Mind Over Matter

The fact of the matter is...if truth be told...honestly...so, what I normally tell ya, is not the actual fact or facts...yes, it is the precursor to whatever is on your mind...but it still bugs me...so, right from the get go, I will speaketh with no forked tongue...

The lead today?...the Omaha Steak...was delicious...a bit on the smallish side, but that is probably better for you, not so much, me...well, me, too...the potato ball was surprisingly good...and the topper?...the apple tort was absolutely yummy...will hold off completely, until we try the pork and chicken...and the burgers...

What on earth happened to the timber of them Pads?...came alive big time in a rout at Wrigley...12-5...we the Friar faithful, went bezerk watching this...after being down 5-0...who'd a thunk we would be up on top in the west this late in the season, still without Jr...

You know what Pronto is?...it is a pass to get on the trolley down here in SD...have never used it, but did put some bucks in the thang...it, like so much else nowadays, is on my cell phone...we are going to test drive it to Little Italy for dindin this eve...the trolley system goes purnt near everywhere around town, er, is this a city?...

Ohio, is the state that says we (they) need to arm the teachers...and the legislatures have passed a bill that allows that...well, that will save them from the assassins...'Ms Smith, we have trained you well with that hand gun...'...do these people have brains in their heads?...

KK ruined MM's dress...the vintage one, that MM sang happy birthday to JFK...didn't fit into it...surprise surprise surprise...

Poldark is the gift that just keeps right on a giving...

I have been on a Dr Pepper nite...up at 12, 2, and 4...dealing with the dawg...

Tomorrow the Coup Committee reconvenes...the rumor is that this day will show donny turning on his very own VP Pence...as he does to everyone around him, eventually...turns...Joe said that trump writing 12 pages of anything...is a stretch...totally agree...who is left to write for him?...Melania?...right...

'To the best of my recollection...'

Of all the people in the world...all of them...would you believe anything that Rudy Guliani said?...the Minister of Madness...I would believe him before trump, and that is it...the bottom 2...

'How do I really feel?'...

Finally, I reckon cuz of Covid, we brought a boot up from AAA to pitch tonight vs da Cubbies...uh oh...


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