Happy Father's Day

Going to go in a slightly different direction on this...Father's Day...of course, my dad set the course of where I would end up...er, go...he had a way of just looking at me, that said 'right' or 'wrong'...a trait that I inherited while I taught and coached...not knowing I was really doing it...weird...and I have honored him quite often in my blog over the years...always will...BUT, I am going to add on today...

Happy Father's Day to my (our) son...Dr Cris...who shows awesome skills in his very own handling and raising of his son, Cyrus...right, don't mistake this...it is a dual effort with wife Leila...can recall about 4 years back, 'that having a child changes your life'...telling that to Cris...he devotes his time to that boy...and just for good measure, they have another on the way in a couple of months...this I would not know how to handle...as we had but one...unchartered waters...ha ha...

It is so cool to see all the posts on social media about the fathers...many for the first time in the web...should that be on the web?...life is precious and those of us who made it through the horrific Covid epidemic...we must appreciate being in the here and now...I'm telling you nothing that you don't already know...sometimes it seems more important in print...

Moving on...

The US Open...the golf one...what a tough day for the Pros...imagine for the yolks like you or me, on that course...none worse than JT...as he was being announced on the 1st tee, Justin Thompson...egads...then, not getting a ruling on a ball near a water drainage...for goodness sakes, dudes...middle of the fairway, and you don't get a drop?...give us all a break...and shut up Peter Jacobsen, you would have been bitching if it was you...the rest of the field?...survival at best...is that Will Zalatonis in the top 10 in all of the majors?...yea, and my good golfing buds, were delighted with Rahm's disastrous finish on 18...STILL, it is anyone's to earn this W...

The Pads have mega problems beating the Rockies...and Snell (rhymes with smell) goes for us today...don't bet on this one...

You KNOW I'm not much on polls...depends on who is doing the poll...who is being polled...and how many are being polled...ABC announced that 60% of those who were, say that trump should be prosecuted...in my Horse poll, the forevers have it 99% say that donny should not be...

The Coup Committee reconvenes on Tuesday...have not heard the agenda yet...

Prez B went down on his bike...trump couldn't get aboard one...hate orange...

Very peculiar...the way that Hosmer was swinging at anything pitched yesterday...it's almost like he was ____...something was going on...perhaps, time to sit the bloke for a good long while...Friar talk...

Well, kids, have a terrific day...time for the Master, er Monster, Suduko...


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