What's Wrong with this Picture?

You know the drill...someone posts 2 similar pictures
...and there are like 5 or 10 things different and you are to find them...I fall for it most every single time...it's a brain teaser, that isn't too hard and it's kinda fun...well, we may call it a no-brainer...on the same lines as Jumbo...or Suduko, and now, that 5 letter thang...much easier than the crossword puzzle...OK, mindless drivel...don't blame me, it is there for the rest of ya'll, too...

How about the ending to that Pad/Cub game last eve!...the Friar closer didn't have his good stuff...far from it...and was nursing a 2 run lead in the 9th...hit a bunch of dudes (3?...the Horse way of chucking)...gave up one of the runs...and had the bases loaded...and da Cubbie batter hit a bomb, within inches of a grand salammy...alas, a long out...and the Pads won...not pretty, but a W nonetheless...rubber game today in the daytime...

If you went by the pictures of the finish of the chase of the escaped con...most of the state's cops were in on it...judging by the number of cop cars...whatever it takes...

I am all for elders...we deserve whatever we can get...BUT, for two 80 year old gents to run for Prez...does NOT sit well with this elder...time for others, younger...

Passion for golf...I play at it thrice a week...gobble up some Pro V's and have them in my possession, for how long?...some find their way out of my sight...like at least one a round...at least...at $4+ a rock, makes more sense to get the Costco ones at $2 a pop...they aren't as good, but I don't feel as bad...losing them...makes sense?...

Repeating myself...but the ugliest offense in the NBA right now, is that whatever the Mavs are running...or not running....dribble dribble dribble....dribble dribble, and then shoot...that Donkey guy is the only bloke who touches the rock...dreadful...the other 4 just sit in the corners...watch...and then run back to the other end of the court...and stand and watch some more...ha ha...

HIS former defense secretary...watched trump complain about leaks in his office...thing is, the biggest leaker was donny himself...so says the sec...

When the Horse flies, I stock myself with a mag that has nuttin but Sudukos in it...ranging from easy to hard...perfect for me mind...and the time goes fast...AND...ear buds with tunes...Vegas next week, baby...

One more thing...my Doc Shi tried to catch me on a brain teaser, that she stumped me on last physical...sketch 10:50...this time I got it right on, baby...

OK, kids, got to get er on...early tee time...GO PADS!



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