Sleep Deprivation
You know, I can see how donny typed cofveve, or whatever he this comparable stage of lack of sleep...anything might come out of the fingers...yea, so I am up at 2 am...can't shut me eyes...thought I should start to write my blog in this state of mind...just for laughs...what is monkeypox? is now the virus that appears to be the new one on the scene...deadly?...I dunno...listening to so many people say that they did not get vaxed for Covid...can't imagine...figure they will not vax for this one either...they will just carry the monkeypox all over the land...
Did donny ever show, or release, his taxes?...weren't they being audited? long does that take?...ha ha...all a facade...
I ain't no dummy...the Preakness...I wheeled my horse to come in 2nd...which he did...yes, I had him on top, I have $ in my TVG account...some say that the winning hoss, 'Early Voting'. was named after the wish of all Democrats...
Nancy Pelosi to not be able to get Communion, in the Catholic Church in SF...cuz of her stance on abortion...does that mean that ALL DEMOCRATS will be denied the wafer?...what an abysmal religion and horrific coverup that 'service' has do I really feel?...
Tiger has to give it up...the game is too much for his's painful to watch...sign on for an analyst and the golfing world would be mighty happy...but, the play?...done...
The Pads won again in SF...tell ya, the SP for the Friars is the best, Jerry, the best...perhaps, my wager on them was not too far off...
So, I awakened at 9 am...did get some shut eye...Boss gave me a sleeping gummy, that did the trick...what is in them, anyhoo?...
Rampant that the new LaLa Laker coach is down to 3, the old Blazer, Terry Stout...the no D guy...whatever...I wish them the worst and hope they make a huge blunder...
Do YOU know what it's like losing your fav set of eyeglasses?...can't times, can't hear...cuz I got no eyes...constant headaches...gonna use contacts for the golf tomorrow...
Talkin golf...the winner of the PGA T is wide open...many of the pros are a bit dismayed of the condition of the course...bumpy greens...poor babies...
Putin has banned Prez B and VP Harris , Speaker Pelosi (amongst others) from entering the boundary of Russia...notably NOT banned was trump...let's send him...if agree, say YES, if disagree, say ARSEHOLE!...
BTW, donny would get Communion if he ever went to church...just for your info, you evangelists...
A terrific piece, the former Beaver, C Ad Rustchman, finally got the call up to the bigs with the Orioles...only thang is, are you really in the bigs if you play for Baltimore?...
Idol winner named tonight (?)...I think...I have it down to 2 possibles...Noah or Huntergirl...can't ever figure out the voting...
The unit under us, well, on the 4th floor...similar to ours...just sold for $1.375 million! we want to move?...the price and timing is right...but, we lurve it here...could move to North our 'friends' from Bismarck told us...could buy the Taj Mahal there...
When is the first D-1 football game? fav...imagine the Ducks at Jorja...shut up and play...
Back to the eyeglasses...or the lost ones...we filed a missing item thang...and when asked...'do they ever show up?'....'No, Mr. Seinfeld, never...'...