Sad Eyes

When you think about the deaths of those in the past few days...the horror that will stay with the survivors
...looking at anyone who might cause harm...suspicious minds we must all have...and realize that most of the fear comes from the ability of most anyone to purchase and own a rapid fire gun...rifle, whatever...a killing device...right here in the USA...that the Congressional People will not address...why?...the NRA and their lobbyists...that give so freely to the decision makers...'our thoughts and prayer go out to_____'...are you so sick and tired of hearing that?...

The beat goes does the assassination of our very own citizens...'the right to bear arms'...OK, is there  one good reason for the common man or woman to own a rapid fire machine?...I am simply appalled by the way this government handles the 'they' say, we must have better background checks...'they' say that more counseling, and better counseling, would stop this...'they' point at schools, for not finding these killers out...'they' blame EVERYONE else but themselves...Congress, you should be ashamed and replaced...

I have nothing but SAD EYES over all of this...

Moving on...

Got to get upbeat...the Padres won the series in OT win...take a day to head to Philly...who has a very tough team...that just got through beating the Bums in LaLa Land...yea, that tough...

What on earth was that? oh my, the coach of the year, of the Suns...couldn't figure out how to double Doncic?...when I first took a peak in, they were down by (gulp) 40! home, mind you...CPIII, closed down again...anyhoo, the next set with the Dubs...very interesting...

As shocking was the Bosch series...done in 6 chapters...and left us wondering why so few? there more to go?...weird and wack...

Boss Lady and I are off to Vegas, my posting will be sketchy, kids...hang with...on the docket is the Carrie Underwood Show...the heat is to be 100*, thus, the pool comes into play...lots...

A major play at the pool...finding a lounge chair...there usually is a line at or before 8, when the pool opens...we have found is sooooo hot, we don't lounge, we just get into the water...

HK Kim won the Colonial, in a repeat performance...26 back was Jordan Spieth...imagine you shoot -25 and lose...the major is next in Oklahoma...

Sad eyes...another shooting in a church...this time the parishioners got the guy...'hog tied' him...and we just fear going anywhere...Orange County...

It has happened...the mainstream finally buckled...KK is on the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition...front page...she made it...and you say the all the money in the world can't buy....ah? there a Plastic Surgeons swimsuit edition?...she'd be on that one, too...

Billboard Music watch?...right, me neither...well, a moment or so...did see Janet Jackson walk out...does anyone buy records anymore? do they rate a winner?...what EVER that was, it is not my genre...

Had to mention this…a road rage incident down here…behind it all, was a gal named ‘Serenity’…can’t make this stuff up…

It wasn't my plan...but there was a song called 'Sad Eyes'...late 70's, by Robert John...interesting, two front names...a break up was catchy and had a terrific melody...check it out...


Anonymous said…
I noticed there were condolences for the 10,142 people killed by drunk drivers in 2021 (NHTSA) Automobiles not being constitutionally protected, it should be easy to get rid of those....

Leading Causes of Death in the U.S.

Heart Disease
Accidents/Unintentional Injuries
Cerebrovascular Diseases
Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases
Alzheimer's Disease
Influenza and Pneumonia
Kidney Disease

My condolences go out to the victims of that psychopathic murderer.

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