Bosch is Back

The ever growing series events on the pixels...what do you watch now?...on what service?...gosh, there are so many of them...Apple +, Hulu, Netflix, HBO Max, Prime Video, YouTube, and on and it is hard to keep up with what is out there...thus, word of mouth drives what we watch...for all of you Horse readers, here is one for ya'll...Bosch is back on Prime Video...called Bosch: will not be disappointed...if you are not privy to him already, start the series from the beginning...

More sad news on the Naomi Judd death...she shot her daughters spoke about mental illness...what the elder Judd was going hard to believe, that on the outside, she appeared to have it all...we never know as commoners...brings back the time that the comedian, Robin Williams, took his own life...just didn't make sense to moi...something that I do not comprehend...

Brittle times for the New Mexico the west, too?...fires already raging...and Lake Mead is losing water...and there are those out there, that still question if there is a global warming...

I don't understand politicians who ban total abortions...the party block is beyond me...each and every elected they not have enough savvy to vote the proper way...or THEIR OWN CONSCIENCE...and not just do what the party commander tells them to do?...obviously not...shame on all of them...there has to be a better way...and not just on this issue...

I am serious about 80 year olds running this country...

The Pads lost game 3 vs da Cubbies...the difference was the lack of coaching in the game...flat 'we' left a relief pitcher out beyond his 3 player limit...and he gave up the hit that was the game winner...c'mon brass, you should be better than that...sidelight...hate the mandatory 3 player limit on pitching...rather have  the option to take out a bloke ANYTIME!...

Chief Donny...I understand your passion for the judicial system...but, I don't get one judge can overrule another...depending on how much scratch you have?...trump was fined $10 grand a day, for non-compliance, and then, he found another who wiped that on earth?...hmmm...judges are ex-lawyers...OK, I get THEY suddenly do the right thing...not what they tried in vain to manipulate the law when they were in trial...right...

What is YOUR perfect day?...does it take a vacay to get it?...

The results are in from my annual physical...purnt near just like last year...whew...those comments from Doc Shi, are music to my ears...near perfect day...

Some of the boyz out at the club, were making fun of our VeeDub...'why don't you get a real car?' they loaded their clubs into their SUV's and Maseratis...I just laughed, as I pulled out of the lot, top down...with the sun on me happy face...luv the bug...

If you want a real back story...go to the Native American boarding school stories...from the 1890's to, well, about the deaths and the hidings of the whites were to change the 'red's into whites...yes, most of you don't give a damn about that...

Darn it all, I turned...gonna leave you with a tune...'The White Cliffs of Dover'...Vera Lynn first sang it...circa Dover is in England...embroiled in the first recollection of the song, was sung by the original Righteous Brothers, lead by Bobby Hatfield...just an awesome song...lyrics beyond compare...


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