Unwritten Rules
Competition...when one side is clearly the winner in some form of a match...whether one is so much better than the other, or one team is having a real bad day, or a lead is insurmountable for some reason...it happens...along with the impending doom, is the idea of not 'pouring it on'...a class act by the winning team...that sometimes is not carried out, as so...these are UNWRITTEN RULES...some people, er coaches, just don't get it...happened to me, and I VOWED, given the chance, I would return the favor...had the chance, and I couldn't do it...of course, I forever despised the bloke...despise, is more accurate...
You have seen it happen, unfortunately all the time...have seen it in hoops, where some team is up by 80+ and still has their starters in...same in football, when one squad is 6 TD's up and still has their 1st string in...happened in beisbol in SF the other nite...as the Giants were cursing (ha ha, meant cruising) over the Padres...up, 10 nil in the 2nd...and a SF bloke bunted for a hit...which creates bad blood between the teams....totally not needed...and, an example of an UNWRITTEN RULE, broken...
We move on...
The Putin War...one of his strategic battle ships was putout of action...according to his sources, an internal error caused it...if you listen to Ukraine, one of the their missiles caused it...which one do YOU believe?...this is the Putin version, that he is eliminating the Nazis out of the Ukraine...this is what he is telling his people...they must listen and believe him...no other choice...
The Brooklyn subway shooter...caught...and will be charged today...unbelievable, that not one of the people shot, have died...actually incredible...the early release is that he has been arrested 12 times...lord...
We are still into Bridgerton...it is one of those, that NO ONE would or could, imagine, that the Horse would like....totally unpredictable...
Today is OPENING DAY for the Padres at the home field...hosting the Atlanta Braves...we have not been connecting with the rock much...let's hope that some home cooking helps...and we score more than a couple of runs...only did so 8 times in SF...yup,, our hearts were indeed left there...
Smut time...KK is upset that there is yet ANOTHER sex tape of her...unreleased...hmmm, well, she made them...and NOW she is upset?...the ploy of mama K, is to have them in the spotlight each and every single day...worked thus far...
Elon Musk has said to be buying 100% of Twitter...an offer, so far...will he, if he, buys it, ban donny?...$41 billion buck offer...
The Texas Guv 'Hey Abbott', making a statement to Prez B...has sent 2 busloads of migrants to DC...in his very own relocation project...I got an idea, that our very own Cali Guv, send 2 busloads of homeless to Texas...there you go, fair movement of people...
NBA playoffs...is it just me, or do the stars of the league...the ones who get all the recognition, not play much if any, defense at all?...that Ball kid is a prime example...LeBron...Russ...wait, I said stars...
Our Cosmo trip starts today...looks like we are getting decent weather on the excursion...B+...