Stuck in Traffic

 The hazards of the highway…return trip from the kids…the bloody 405…NOT the culprit this time…2 crashes on the 5, circa Oceanside…adding an hour and half to the drive…yuck, and one could change one letter and it is really how I feel…

Thankfully we have 71* weather…so that part is pleasant…

Now that MLB is back…time to get some trades for the Pads…need pitching!…duh…

The Tallahatchee Bridge.  Great song…Ode to Billie Jo…

We have not seen the news tele, how is Ukraine holding up?

Did see LeBron had 50 last eve vs the Wizards…and he was strutting like a goose…big deal, dude…

Trump is hosting a revival in Ft Lauderdale…charging as low as $9 a seat…maybe an autograph line, too?..

So we are in stop and go traffic…and there’s a state cop on the shoulder using a radar gun…

Boss Lady is at the wheel now…er, behind it…singing to the 60’s Gold…like a parakeet…

How much you paying for petrol?…we had $5.89 and $6.09 for extra…2 stops…

Talk at ya in the morn…



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