You WIN 'A Brand NEW Car!'

The words that come out of the host of the infamous game show 'The Price is Right'
...those were from originally, Bob Barker, and now...Drew Carey...these wondrous bellows 'You win a brand NEW CAR!'...actually, it was neither of them...the words came from Johnny Olson, and then, Rod Roddy...(real name?)....not sure who does that now...but, that's not the point, kids...YOU WON A CAR!...

OK, let's do this another way...Crazy Horse has always wondered what China (and Russia) does to combat the Covid 19 virus...ah, and it's variants...yea, donny said it was their fault in the 1st they use Moderna, Pfizer, or J&J?...or have their own?...pharmaceutical company?...I still dunno...they do have their own phones and company...which is renown for it's strength everywhere but in the USA, Huawei...there are others...

The they use ours, Japan's, Germany's, England's, South Korea's?...ah?...looks like they are doing just fine, thank you...they have more than 10 major ones...the top is the Geely...and MOST of them are copycats of the aforementioned country's per usual, they do their own thang...and they are mighty impressive, too...I had no idea of this...they have one that is eerily similar to the Bentley...BMW, Benz, VW, and so many of our things are made there, makes sense that the car was, too...just never heard of them, until yesterday...

The Covid and it's out of control...I fear that most everyone is going to get it...sorry, for my downer...but, like the has been too hard to contain...the vaccines, will lessen the, it seems...I hope that is true...what gets me the most, is that the 'experts' appear to be not 100% sure of what they are telling us...

Anyhoo, we are doing our darnedest at isolating ourselves...within reason...not going out for a sit down dinner...masking purnt near everywhere...not flying...I think Boss Lady is getting restless...but, she is laying down the law, as it pertains to us...

2nd semester for the schools...what is the right thing to do?...virtual learning?...does that work?...I talked to those who teach it, and it does for some...but all?...nope...many students don't bother...and grading is a nightmare...I would think so...tuff times, kids...

Sports continue on...the crowds are still there, albeit not as many as see empty seats...masks worn by enclosed arenas...?...I am doubtful...outside?...better...but, football fans are different...throw caution to the wind...

Wish I had better news for you today...


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