
What do YOU do when you awaken?
...outside of the bathroom stuff...coffee?...tea?...water?...then, the newspaper (what is that?)...turn on the tele and watch the news?...or watch 'The Andy Griffith Show'?...perhaps, you do some form of workout...check your cellphone for messages or texts...saunter on over to the computer and read, like whatever you read...grab something to eat right away, cuz you have to...you see, kids, we all have habits...that we do purnt near every single, gosh darn day...

The Horse makes some coffee...goes to the computer and reads...his 23 sources...and thinks about what he is gonna write about today...gets another cup of Joe, never ever the same type of Keurig style...you know, the K cup...reads the emails and...depending on the time (golf beckons thrice a week)...writes...purnt near every single, gosh darn day...

BTW, 99.9% of my emails are from auto generated sources of nuttin...which goes into my file of 'see ya'...wouldn't want to be ya...

These are my habits...normally at least a 2 hour segment in my day...how about you?...what is your scheme?...I mean, you must...

You do know that around the SoCal area we have a mighty tasty burger, called Habit Burger...no kidding...rivals the diva In N Out...true dat...can make 'em animal style, too...

Speaking of habitual criminals...wait, was I?...we are into a series on Netflix...about a serial killer in NYC, circa the end of the 70's...which we did not know about, whatsoever...gruesome story...no, not the Son of Sam...after that sorry bastard...but, another person that is even worse...if that is possible...

The tennis bloke, Djokovic, may be sitting for awhile...as it appears that France may bar him , too...just like the Aussies did...get your shots, dude...for everyone's sake...I don't get it...

Man oh man, was it slow out at the course yesterday...which I despise...debated about walking off, well, riding off, into the sunset after about 11 holes...waiting on every single bloody shot...then, I was told...it is a holiday...duh...I shoulda known better and not gone...

Not sure if I could dislike a hoopster more than the Lake Show's Westbrook...he gets away with bad stuff...it is like the refs are in fear of him...throw him out...over and over and over...oh yea, LA beat the very cold shooting Jazz (?) of Utah...there is jazz in Salt Lake City?...right...

Still in LaLa Land...the Rams easily over the Cards...breezing...I have this thing...that shorter QB's in the NFL have problems...of course, there are exceptions...but overall, it is a Horse truth...'if you believe it, really believe it, it is not a lie, but a truth....'...

Terrific playoff games for the weekend...Bengals at Titans, 49ers at Packers on Saturday...Rams at Bucs, Bills at Chiefs on Sunday...c'mon, pick 'em with me...I will wait til later in the week, for the fearless Horse picks...

Help me understand this better...there are concerns that flying the commercial airlines might be affected by the 5G system...up to this point, I see nor feel any difference from the 4G system...on my cell phone...no faster, for sure...as fast, maybe...but it sure got me to invest in the new one...which does have a much better battery in it...

Is this the latest?...subway shoves...tram shoves...what is going on?...be very aware if you are using mass transit...there are very bad people out there...maybe 'they' are right, we should all be packing pistols...and return to the wild Wild West, well, the wild wild USA...

According to CNN, one in five Americans have been infected with Covid-19...20%...seems low to me...throw in the variants, and I would bet you $5 that it is more like 40%...two in five...

'They' are talking a 4th shot, now...shoot, I wonder what the % is, of those who have 3?...I would bet you again...2 out of 5...maybe more like 3 outta 10...no kidding...but, we would get a 4th, if needed, for sure...

Geez, I saw this from Jim Acosta...calling trump 'The Lord of the Lies'...yessiree Bob...er, Jim...

Maybe Schultzie had it all figured out...Hogan's Heroes...'I see nothing...I hear nothing!'...


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