Break the Story...First
The idea of getting the first story out...kind of like beating the, to take or get, credit for releasing information before everyone else does...may have happened one pundit let out that Tom 'Terrific' Brady was retiring...the rest followed suit...and it was all over the airwaves, the web net, well, everywhere...turns out, his story break was a bit to the Brady Compound...not that it won't happen, but the release will come from them, not the pundit...
'Loose Lips Sinks Ships'...recall this slogan from WW ll?...well, you heard of golfing nut, GL, texted out 'Luke List sinks ships' the PGA pro got his 1st win on tour, out at Torrey...posted a -15 and had to wait 2+ hours to see if it would hold up...did enough to get into OT...and Luuuuuke hit a dream wedge on 18 to indeed win the thang...think the best of the best, don't choke?...there was some major league gulping going on by some very good golfers...Day, Rahm, was so dark, Luke did not see where his ball was on the green…
Your guy donny...had a rally in Texas...guess you have to know your audience...and did his normal BS...added to it, his promise to pardon the Coup people that are locked up, if he wins the '24 election...that is, if he isn't locked up...he's a beaut...
We are watching this odd series of Mosquito Coast...Apple +...not our normal fare, but has us this a remake of the same titled movie?...Harrison Ford one?...I dunno...
You are at the world famous Zoo in SD...decide to go and do the gondola ride...and...some bloke group of 4, cause it to stall...for are suspended for hours...waiting for the ride to start back all happens at the Zoo...not sure what the 4 did, but they did get themselves arrested for whatever it was...
The snow did hit the NE...hard....and now following it, are the cold, ah, very cold winds...many without much for the beauty thang...
For a country on the brink of going bankrupt, North Korea continues to blast off multi-million buck missiles...odd beyond belief...
I will never ever understand people who won't get vaccinated...religious beliefs?...c'mon...following the word of donny?...oh my...afraid of the needle?...yup...misbelief of reactions?...some...get 'er done...
Who you got today?...49ers at Rams...Bengals at Chiefs...I'm going with the home teams...never ever bet the NFL...especially my picks...
Time for a rumor...the Beard being traded to the the Big 3 in Brooklyn has not been that...
3/9 head coaches thus far hired in the NFL are white...the trend continues?...add the name of Harbaugh going to Minnesota, a 4th...if that does indeed come forth...'there's something happening here, but what it is ain't exactly clear'...maybe it is...
Wish us luck in the alumni T...