A Year Later
In the past 100 years of the existence of the United States of America...there have been 3 known attacks on this great country...Pearl Harbor, New York City + Pentagon (9/11), and the Capitol...the last, a YEAR ago...call it what you want...an insurrection, a mob hit (of sorts), or in reality, an attempted coup...you forevers, will not want to read on...for months of planning, by the regime in power...trying in vain to regain the office of the presidency...not by the vote of the people, but by bullying the VP Pence...then, by overthrowing the Congressional in this horrific show of strength...all the while, trump enjoyed what he saw and did NOTHING!...until the vagrants had entered the hallowed halls of the building...the offices of the elected officials...and then, onto the Congressional floor...
It will always be etched in my mind, the power of a mob...but more than that, at the doorstep of our very own ruling body...with our leaders in it...hiding for their very own safety...the chants of 'kill Pelosi'...'kill Pence'...and others...makes me as mad as I can be...who dictates this sort of thing?...who watches this with a smirk on his face?...and yet, there are those who still want him as their leader...good lord...
There is no place in the land of freedom...for such an insurrection...with the ability to call it off, and did not...until it was too late...the out going president, trump, shall be held totally accountable...let alone be the planner of it all, in the first place...5 people lost their lives...countless injuries...and later, over 700 attackers, part of the mob, convicted in a court of law...to prison time...
As HE saw a scheme to overturn the vote of the people...in his loss for the job he so wanted to stay in...to slay the Constitution...in his own way....is this not an act of a dictator?...yes, kids, we still have that guy out there...wanting to be in his ousted position...and there are those who want him back...do not downplay your voting rights...ever...do not become a silent participant...we need you all...
Be strong...be vigilant...be aware...and be part of the system...our Congressional one...I expect today will be filled with news about this day, a year ago...certainly, from all but one of my sources, FOX, ha ha...the video of what happened will absolutely chill you...it does me...and this...some have called this an anniversary of Jan 6...not moi, as I perceive an anniversary of something, a good thing...this was not...
Let's go...
Just a horrific day for the stocks...the 5th...something about the interest rate...I reckon...will never ever figure that out...makes no sense...
My golf club...did this...for a guest, who is walking the course...raised the rate of play from $35 to $60!...not to $40, or $45...but $60!...what is the deal?...71%?...heard people squawk...then noticed the course down the road, was packed...wonder what the rationale was?...
I am confused...are the pro leagues now letting players play, if they are not vaccinated?...protecting whom?...pretty much at a loss as to what the governing bodies are doing with this...
The collegiate world is abundant with coaches leaving their job, for another...makes sense then, that the players can do so, too...used to be, once you were at a school, that was yours...not anymore...transfer portal is booming...for the coaches, too...'what have you done for me lately?'...
NFL game 17....week 18...the game of games...the Chargers at the Raiders...winner gets the playoffs...loser gets the golf course...UO's Herbert, is my guy...so, I have to go with them...reluctantly...too bad they are not in SD anymore...
Watching the line on the Georgia/'Bama game...2 1/2 fav the Dawgs...hmmm...would not wager against Alabama...ever...and getting points on top?...seems like a no brainer...
Finally, get involved with our political system somehow...at least, be more aware of what is happening...