Find the Moon
Here is the pix from our RV site in Long Beach...can you find the moon? we marvel at the position of it...cold and brisk, but least until Thursday...more bloody rain....’but we need it’...our trip back today will be fine and dry...
The Covid thang is back to have had your shots, right?....mask up and hope for the best....
Senator Manchin is truly a piece of work...but, I will give him this...he is voting with his heart, not with the party block that the rest of the sheep do....have I told you that I don’t like or trust politicians before?...
The collegiate mess in sports...the transfer protocol....get in and move much for loyalty....ah hem, just like coaches who follow the almighty dollar...anyhoo, Auburn star QB is coming to UO...Bo Nix...just what the Ducks need...
Cuz we have been on the road, missed all the father/somebody T....big John and little big John Daly won....the majority of the news was about Tiger being back/with his son Charley....who came in 2nd...Brace yourself for a real bumpy ride on the stocks....
Tom Brady and his Bucs got shutout at home?...what were the odds?...
Think Donny is feeling the heat?...
Merry Christmas