2 Things to Discuss

Don't you just hate it, when the lead is that 'we' have
2 THINGS TO DISCUSS...already argumentative...start with the good, then go to the bad?...or, fess up with the bad, and then the good...I dunno, why not just talk and not set parameters?...it's like Prez B when he says he has things to say, and starts with first...and doesn't get to second...ah, sounds like a Padre, right?...I digress...

Is it really a discussion, or a monologue...er, dialogue?...whatever...is there really a time for you to respond?...or, is it like in the Mafia, when you get the call?...if you are a made guy, you must go...the thought is, you probably are going to get whacked...so much for discussion...

I bring this up cuz we watched the flick 'Donnie Brasco'...superb film based on reality...true story...starring Al Pacino, Johnny Depp, and Anne Heche...Mafia undercover stuff, that was so well done...in truth, not a whole lot of discussion when you were called...

The Horse always gets Pacino, and Robert DeNiro mixed up...and that's another story all by itself...

After phase one is over...like the first 'discussion', the movement to the 2nd one is usually not so well received...let's take the bloody refs in hoops...there may be a discussion,  but the die is cast...2 discussions, both bad...or the brass bringing in YOU as the Head Coach...you had a fine season, but the alumni, have other concerns...you are terminated...

I got this weird Zoom call yesterday, and for some reason, I was witness to some guy I do not now...and he announced that if I am on this production, that I was immediately terminated!...from what?...I don't work...haven't since my gig as a Doo Wop agent...and I fired them...BTW, no discussion whatsoever...

In your marriage, cohabitation, friendship, union, bond, whatever...is there one that dominates the discussion?...like bringing up 'things to discuss'...ah, 2 things?...yea, well, it is a pattern, I reckon...if you weren't so hard to get along with, or so lazy, or so hard to talk to, or one who takes more than one gives, or you never listen, or do you know how hard I work around the house...well, a little sugar might cure the ill...good luck...

Just after he kind of implied that he was through with competitive golf, Tiger is set to play with his son, Charley, in the father/son T in Orlando next week...think that there won't be a zillion cameras on the duo?...end of discussion...

trump...there are not 2 things to discuss with the bloke, ever...he tells you what he thinks...you either buy in or you are gone...and off he goes to eat his Big Mac and Diet Coke...then to the golf course...did I miss anything?...his latest is to seek out disloyal Republicans...I kid you not...wonder how he'd fit in the Mob?...

Who would pay big bucks to fly to San Antonio, to watch the Ducks play Oklahoma, while the two teams are without their head coaches...and their best players...due to 'fear of injury for the NFL draft'...air fare, hotel money, game tix, and loads of food and drink...no, not me, or you...not this time...it's close to Oklahoma, so there will be Sooner fans...

This is National Christmas Card Day...do you still send them?...we get some, and have to admit, they are wonderful...I think we should bring back this as a thing...for real...we will discuss this...it's also National Pastry Day...now, there is no discussion on this...luv the donuts and all...

Now, for my 2nd thing to discuss...


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