Smoke in the Air
I was awakened by some smoke filtering thru the window of the bedroom...ah, what?...weird, as there was no visible smoke outside...normally it is dense stuff...not this time, as we have high winds...I think coming from the north...the closest is north of Santa Barbara...hmmm, what is going on?...
JON GRUDEN, the former HC of the Las Vegas Raiders...was let go due to emails he had sent in the past...let's just say he was not the most intelligent human out there when it came to race relations...all types...sad commentary on him as a person...
Yes, the Horse gave the beisbol playoff game with the Bums and Giants a look see last eve...more of this high wind stuff...and the SF guys won it the Bay Area blokes are up 2-1 in a knockout game today...not a fan of either of them, but even lesser of LA...high drama for the erratic Dodger it...
Staying in baseball...sort of...the Padres are searching the world for a new manager...should be looking for a GM...stop it, Horse...lost of names brought up, but if AJ does the picking, I am not too pumped at who he hope is that he 'Brings Back Bochy'...which won't happen...we need pitchers, not belly itchers...
Demi Lovato, yea her, the famous cuz she's famous, says referring to extraterrestrials as 'aliens' is derogatory and the word should no longer be used for potential otherworldly visitors...this from 'I can't make this shit up' files...trump will no longer use this word in his revivals...
For you Jeopardy Junkies...that Matt dude finally got beat, after 38 wins...over $1.5 million bucks won...actually, Jimmy Crack Corn...
As I said yesterday, what on earth is going on with Southwest Airlines?...more cancellations yesterday...rumors are out there, that they are short this the truth?...TT, can you still fly?...they need you...first, they give you no booze...then, they won't even fly ya...c'mon...
Wake up non-vaxxers...acc to the NLEO Memorial Fund, the leading cause of death for police officers in the Covid 19...more than firearms and traffic related fatalities combined...lord, get your shots...
Speaking of INSANE, the Texas Guv Abbott...issued an executive order in his state PROHIBITING any entity, ie private businesses, from imposing Covid vaccination requirements...isn't this grounds for immediate dismissal?...this is worse than anything JON GRUDEN did...Gruden was implied, Abbott's is dictatorial...and plain wrong...
Kaiser...the group medical company, that many Cali people use...the employees have voted on going on strike...egads...this is California, only...their beef is not Covid related, but money...they seek a 4% raise...amongst other things...hope you don't have an operation scheduled in the next 2 weeks there...
I keep going back to this...but, China has been practicing beach landing think that Taiwan is not in peril?...guess again...we are on the brink of an invasion...on that island...
This is the time of year, that golf courses in SoCal double fertilize their grounds...plug their greens and make the clients, er, golfers, walk all over the lieu of driving a cart...'cart path only'...I walked more than if I was, tomorrow, I am walking the course...hope they can find my push cart...and it still worketh...
Just a thought, but all these blokes who were part of the Jan 6 insurrection at the US Capitol, ie the politicians, too...can't THEY be incarcerated on the Guantanamo Base in Cuba?...Bannon, donny, Maetz, and the lot...or, anyone who refuses the subpoena...throw in Abbott, too...Erik and Jr, also...
Had this idear...that we would remove the tub from the guest bath...put in a walk in shower...cuz, we never use the bathtub...and it's hard to stretch the legs over the side...and some of us, are aging...much too quickly...not to name names, but the bid came in at over $9 grand...what?...back to the drawing board...take out the tub and put in a pan...that's all, shouldn't it be like 2-3 grand, tops?...
And so it goes...all us Indians had our day...the boys still referred to it as an Italian Day...aren't we all the same?...apparently not...