$655 Million and Growing

These numbers are mind boggling, kids...hey, good morning!...as we saunter thru this grand month of October...Power Ball is at this $655 mill +....guess I might just get me a quick pick...we all can dream of hitting that and bask in a luxury filled lifetime...you know, just like the KFam...what would you do, if you hit it?...yup, your mind starts to wonder....

How about the matchup with the Bucs and Pats last eve?...it was a grand show...of course, TT won it on a last minute FG...played in the driving rain, that kind of messed up the play...you know how I feel about this...a bloke who never plays, trots out and kicks the ball...and the game is decided by the kick...the NE designated bloke, missed from 56 yds and the game was the Bucs...NE will be just fine, as their new QB (Mac Jones) is a dandy and will be a star in the league...came outta 'Bama...

Spacey Kacey Musgraves, a pseudo country singer star...was on SNL and sang in the nude...well, she had some boots on...what am I missing here?...nude, good...singing, good...nude and singing together?...bad nude...

The 'wild card' games are set in the Bigs...in the AL, it is the Yankees and the Red Sox, sorry you Seattle fans...in the NL, it is the Bums and Cards...one game ya'll...what a farce...should be best of 3...the Padres will honor, or dishonor, their management and coaching staff today...by firing them all...but not the coordinator, AJ Preller...the one that should go...

OK, kids...I did get the new Keurig machine...it is what it said it was...the whole punch for the K cups, are 5 more...so, there is more water going over the beans...you do not need strong...and it is also hotter...right now at $99 at Costco...instead of buying those blue jeans, buy this...you are welcome...

I have committed to play in a golf T in December...thus, the handicap I have needs to rise...no problem...the way I am putting right now, it shall explode!...I'll be a 12 if I miss just right...or wrong...whatever...

An oil spill off the coast of Huntington Beach (LA) is devastating to the wetlands, fish and everything...probably heading our way....

Merck is shopping their Covid 19 pills in the worst way...are they effective?...the word out, is that the Pfizer shot is not long lasting...word to the wise...same with the J&J...

Speaking of shots...we did get our shingles (no. 2) and the flu shots...guess I already told you this...

To get back to the point of today...just one Power Ball tix will be enough...them odds are infinitely against us...or moi, or you...


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