Ump, You're Blind

'Ump, you're blind'
...that was then and this is now...'C'mon blue, open your eyes' other sport on every single play, there is a judgment on it...beisbol...a strike, ball, a foul, an out, a safe call, a HR acknowledgement, you get warned, you get tossed, you get checked for illegal stuff on you, or on your glove or bat or cap or belt...and after all that, there is the eye in the sky that can be used to see if blue was, the ump was...I probably left something out, but it is covered...they totally dominate the's like having 4 parents watching your every move...'Don't do that, Johnny'...

Don't get me going on the strike zone...the ever moving place that pitchers and batters try to rule...or strive for...seemingly every zone differs by the bloke who is behind the plate...the ump, the blind ump, blue, who knew?...and the bad ones have a trigger temper...just a waiting for someone to question his almighty he can throw the player or coach out of the stadium...gloriously...does so with great's the only spot in the game, where there is no review...nobody can review a strike or ball pitch...freedom at last....ask for help?...110 feet away, the blind guy stationed on the baseline makes the call...shoot, they should ask the fan 40 feet away...just as reliable...

Football, basketball, soccer, hockey, and whatever...the refs MAY make a call..other than blowing their whistle...but leave their hankies in tow, or throw their arm up in disgust, for a foul...but not on every single, dang play of the game...

In essence, if you want full control of a game...feel the need...get yourself a rule it...and head on down to the local association and apply for the gig...they need new blood, perhaps, yours...

Gots to talk MLB the Bums finally overtook the Giants for 1st...they are's true...however, in the last month of the season, we have a gaggle of games with both of them...if successful, we can get into the playoffs...long shot?...probably, but playing 'em one at a never know...are you a betting person?...

Couple of things that loom large this am...taking the White Rabbit into a shop for adjustments on the tranny...and getting the booster shot...and so it goes...results?...$1880 and she be done right...

September, yes, in 2021...the anniversary month...47...wooah...


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