Nine/Eleven/Two Thousand One

In the past century...1921-2021
...there have been significant blows to our country...that were so shocking and life changing...some I witnessed via the tele...some were from the history reels and books...and yet all had an extreme impact...almost the type that one could never imagine it would really happen...not sure if I should start with the most recent, or go back a 100 years from now...of course, there are debatable points in all of what I will list...some that probably should be added...

Actually kind of ended in 1921...the Spanish Influenza...reportedly KILLED somewhere between 20 to 40 million, in France, too...amazing photos of masses wearing masks have surfaced...we were not the beginners of this...

The stock market crashes in 1929...which led to the Great Depression...and the country starved itself to death...

Hitler comes to power in 1933 in Germany...the whole World was at its edge of terror...

Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, Hawaii...12/7/41...and we were back at mom told us what the west coast was like during those times...

We dropped atomic bombs on Japan to end the war...nobody had an inkling to how powerful that could be...and the race was on for other nations to develop the bombs, too...

JFK was assassinated...1963...the US stopped in it's tracks...TV became the ultimate news I have told you before, when we visited Dealey Plaza it was one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had...such an eye opener...

More assassinations...MLK and college days and totally devastating...

Vietnam war...such a worthless loss of lives...'Domino Theory'...the ploy of politicians...

and then things seemed like almost normal...until...

Nine/Eleven/Two Thousand One...the attack on the United States by AlQuida...the Twin Towers in NYC, gone...the Pentagon, hit...and the other, where the passengers fought the killers...and the plane hit the earth...

Today we memorialize the honor all those who lost their lives in the horrific killings of the day...

Like the others, we shall never forget...there is this song that will grab Alan Jackson...'Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning)...

I wish this was the last...but now, the Covid 19 has hit us...654,598 deaths...think about that for a moment...this number is just us, kids...the deaths in the USA...thus far...

Get inoculated!...


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