First Impressions
This is kind of the touchy feely type of thing I deep side...ah ha, this you did not know...the Horse does do a LOT of of my many faults...analyzing too much...I reckon...and I try NOT to do much on the FIRST IMPRESSIONS I get on another human being...well, the obvious, wearing a MAGA cap has it's own way...I listen to what they have to say...the talk they have...if too much about themselves, it is a dead NO in my book...hey, I have no book...
I have this thing...those of you who know me is a small circle of it that way...have been told to open up more often....ah, kind of do, with the Horse blog...thinking about that, it would appear to contradict the way I look at people, huh...listen to me babble on...but, it is different I say... in like the real world of direct communication with live people...
Example thereof...the Cocoon party. that was not like that at all...more of a meet and greet of peops that are newbies (to us) in the noodling and canoodling in the pool...people of our age, do not take too much pride in showing skin in a 'kini or thong...well, not normally...I praised whom I thought was part of the organization, and was told bluntly, that the person in question was not part of it..."I'm on the board"...whoop de doo...I tried, I really did...but, was I asked anything ?...naw...strike one...
On the other hand, some really happy peops that were easy to talk to...that I queried...and get this...asked what I did! be sure, most of the people that I have met in the home...are not like this...could be my harsh exterior...or my first impression is lacking...ha the Boss Lady?...quite the opposite...she is lovely and bubbly...hey, wait a minute, this is all about moi...
Not sure what I really covered in the last 4 mini-paragraphs...but you do get me drift...FIRST IMPRESSIONS are one thing...the stuff behind the smile or whatever, is often quite different...
Other, much more meaningful(?) thangs...
I just had to add was too good to bypass...Caitlyn Jenner...yes her...running for Guv of Cali, if the present one is kicked out...said she is PRO-CHOICE and also, supports the Abortion ban in Texas...I kid you not...
Social media is a dangerous world...useful at times and yet, can be very in point, the anti-Hosmer things that would make him not want to ever get on a baseball field ever again, if he read them...or the things people have sent out to the top lady tennis player...who said she has received countless death threats...cuz, she lost...due to bets on her?...I dunno...
My buddy who was the HC at a high school...would arrive at school on a Monday and have over 100 emails...not one had to do with any of the classes he taught...all had to do with the game he coached...parents complaining...he got used to the ploy and just deleted them before reading...
How did you take the comment of HC Brian Kelly of the Notre Dame football team?...the 'execution' joke, he said he said...?...bother you at all?...imagine the number of emails he got...
OK now, I think it is grand that there is playoff in golf...makes for a fantastic finish...but the winner gets $15 million?...what company has that type of dough to give away?...sorry, kids...but the price that most all pro athletes make is exorbitant...agree or disagree?...
Another storm about to hit the other coast...further up north...this warm water situation is extreme...not exactly sure what to do about it, there anything?...
It has been said, that the Social Security might be kaput by the mid 30's...what are we doing wrong on this?...hopefully, not pulling money from we ALL have paid into it, to help OURSELVES survive in our senior years...right?...
We kept the AC on all was the best sleep I've had in a week...a correlation?...duh...
I have a confession to make...hear me out...before jousting moi...ha ha, that should have been 'judging ' ...autocorrect can be very funny...I am a glasses whore...wait, hoarder...ah, junkie...every few years I get newbies...I admit it...I do have a flaw...Boss Lady said that I had to cut back the number of drawers (3) that I have them stored in...the condo is but 1300 sq ft...I did so...and have narrowed down the ones that I like the best to...drum roll please...10...and about as many shades...I really should get rid of the rest, but then...she would win...and we don't want that...
This is another Horse truth...been asked that Snooki start back up and give some funky music to hear...that it inspires them everyday...I have asked him, but he has been so busy doing...wait, what does he do?...he is a super senior, so retired, that he sits in his living room, watching the replays of the Duck game over and over and over...I think his birthday is soon, thus, he will be a full year ahead of me again...c'mon dude, bring on some tunes...
It's 7 am...and across the way, there is a couple already in the hot tub...have they no shame?...eewww....