Dinner Tonight?

As I scatter through the endless things on and in Facebook...I usually stop at what somebody is fixing' for dinner.
..how to cook something...yea, in a different way, maybe....than I might do...or how it is prepared in other countries...basically, mindless moments that I can't get back...but, dang it all, I get hooked easily...different ways to pop and flavor popcorn...weird...48 omelets at a time...ah, what?...one of my favs, is the dude who cooks meat on an outside wood stove...I do have a nominee for the worst of all, tho...a bloke cooking a steak meal in a TOASTER!...not a toaster oven, kids...a 2 or 4 slice vertical toaster...when finished, he quickly hides the blood underneath the machine...not to this cooking sleuth...I saw it all...do not try this...

The Ohio St Buckeyes, figured to be a top 4 team this season in football...had it's hands full with the home team, Minnesota...last eve...really, kind of a good game...OSU has some incredible wideouts...and the next week fray with the UO Ducks will be a doozy...first...always first...Oregon has to deal with a very potent O from FresnO St...tomorrow...

My sometimes highly watchable show in the new season...DWTS...Dancing With The Stars...OK, tired of the judges...and the new hostess, is an absolute joke...but, the dancing is pretty amazing...so I tape it...fast forward thru all the rest...Cheryl is back...and the one thing that is diff...2 ladies will be dancing together...shoot, we'd see that on American Bandstand, way back when...all the time...guess it's not the same...

trump got his way...and it will be blistering the airwaves and lives for sometime...his 2 key members of the Supreme Court...that favor the non-right to choose for women...do you really think that donny cared?...just another way to get a vote...we have two states in the USA that are absolute messes...Texas and Florida...for 2 different reasons...hang on to your cowboy hat, kids...there will be trouble...

Speaking of trouble...the forevers are planning another 'gathering' at the Capitol at the latter part of this month...get ready for another debacle...

MLB...the scribes are going off on who is the best, the Bums or the Giants...this is a good thing...leaves the path for the Padres wide open...if they, or we can...get it going in September...starting with a 3 spot, hosting Houston...figure this will tell us all, where we are...stay outta the way, Tingler...

I haven't mentioned this much...but my crypto money has gone way up...like way up...have no idea why...should I put more in?...you do know I'm on a fixed income...

Did you know 'The View' has aired for 25 years?...for the most part, I have liked the production...I'm really going to be interested in what they have to say about Texas...the new season starts when?...soon, I reckon...

Ye cheated with thee, and KK didn't know...they split, and Ye wrote an album of songs, that KK attended the unveiling...of it...that in one of his songs, he admitted that yes, Ye, did cheat...on thee...well now, this is all allegedly...why not allegedlee?...

Prez B has hit the skids with the numbers after the Afghanistan pullout...duh...it was gonna happen...it had to go on...regardless of whomever did it...one query...why would there be high school classes from here, there?...I don't get it...

"Three doses of Covid-19 vaccine are likely needed for full protection"....Dr Fauci...done...

The organization has been completed...the mess is in control...somehow, I feel like a real writer...ha ha....


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