The Early Bird

When one goes to sleep before 9...expect to rise at 3
...ah, that is what I did...good lord, it is 3:32 AM!!!!....and I have read my 23 sources already...had one cup of I am writing...who says I have a pathetic life?...the early bird catches what?...

Yea, well I read about the loss to the DBacks...yet we gave up with the winner in the 9th...what's that?...1-13 at Arizona now?...I think Jr is back and that should give us a spark...hopefully...

Staying in the negative...on the PGA tour...the once highly heralded and adored Fowler, has fallen on hard times...did not qualify for the Fed Ex...the top 125 players for the season...he makes a mint on commercials...but his game?...ah, not so much...

The Taliban has been waiting for us to leave...and now they are taking the country back over...Mitch says we should bomb them...?...get our arse out of that is a different world that we can't manage nor about sending donny over as the ambassador?...

My iPhone says to, I did it...thus far, see nothing that has changed...maybe that is a good thing...

Twice since I have gotten up, the sirens have gone off below...hmmm, the bars close at 2...police sirens...

Britney is gonna be free...the dad is giving up his conservative ship...ha ha...his management of old is she?...this father was the boss, thru how many marriages she has had? does that work?...

Where are you on the mask mandate?...if you have been fully inoculated...seeing so many people wearing masks makes me wonder if they have taken the shots...if true, that is extremely sad and deplorable...

Looking out my roughly 500 apartments...I see 6 TV sets blaring...I am not the only one...up...but I don't have my set on...

Blog writing is therapeutic...tell the world what you think...somebody must be reading it...then you find satisfaction in what you, I do...especially if they, you do...

Does it seem that there is a golf tourney 52 weeks of the year?...all of 'em...a lot of cash to be made...what company can afford to give that out?...

Global warming skeptics...July became the hottest month in 142 years of record keeping, US weather officials announce...

The drone...this make you get outta the ocean?...footage shows a herd of leopard sharks in the close in waters of La Jolla...ah, right here in San Diegan leopard sharks bite man or woman?...

When you spend 3 weeks in a RV...the space is are your choices of what to do, eat and imbibe...but, I NEVER woke up at 3 am...

This will make your top 10 of stuff you never want to hear again...but, Del Mar has a 20 cent pick 6...which I 3/6...which pays nuttin...geez, what can you buy for 20 cents anymore?...certainly not a candy bar...or a newspaper...or a Coke...not even a 12 minute spot in the parking meter...hey, what does 20 cents buy you?...

Time to get some sleep...


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