Is There Hope?
When this pandemic hit, we had no idea to the extent of what it could first, we were begging for vaccinations...HOPE, was on the horizon...and when they finally were available...we would stand in line to get them...BUT, not everyone felt the same sentiments...I am telling you nothing new...the masks, the social distancing, the inside closures...all came with...the spread of disease is one of the truly remarkable, yet extremely negative, aspect of human beings...over many many years, it has been as deadly as the wars that the politicians get us into...VARIANTS, come out of the original virus...and it has it's own 'life'...or death...still, why people don't get vaccinated, when it is readily available IS BEYOND ME!...some try to follow the word of trump, some are just plain skeptical, some are following religious zealots comments and guidings, and some are afraid of a needle...did I leave anything out?...
Is there HOPE?...
I will do the Afghanistan thing once more...forget the blame is and has been a blight to our political process for the past 20 is but another country that sheds it's people...the migration of mankind...often cause of religious beliefs...not sure the Taliban is smart enough to have that...just a culture of people that believe that the land is theirs, and that MAN shall rule it...CIVILIZED people have no comprehension of this...what gender equality?...we don't understand their ways...never have, never will...and we shall sit very aware of what it going on within their walls...and I guarantee you this...WE WILL STRIKE THEM AGAIN!...when the timing of it, has to be done...
We will...
I am in the a note from a class rep from my graduating class of '65...high school...another of our classmates has's what happens as we age...early 70' what you can do, while you can, kids...
'Free falling'...the tune by Tom Petty...unfortunately applies to the less than mighty pitching...we are fodder for all the good hitters we come up's time to rid ourselves of the GM, and get one that understands what the game is dictated by...quality pitching...
Tonight is Smokey...over at Rady...gosh, it is misty this am...hope the weather turns balmy...Ooh Baby Baby....
BTW, had Costco filets...regular grade...not prime....they were so great, and can't imagine how much better they can be...yes, BJ and Tom, I prepared the Filet a la Pierre again...blueberries extreme...
For some reason this just keeps popping up in me brain...'Sarah, what periodicals are you reading now?'...'what is a periodical?'...