At times, the Horse is oblivious to what is going on, behind the scenes...I get stuck in the here and now...especially after I read my 23 sources in the morning...what triggers me brain, to write about...yea, I do try to titillate ya'll...not necessarily on purpose...it's what I see and how I feel...which may be totally different than you...I get that...but...in the past few days I have been eyeing a word that I do not understand the meaning of...well, I do, in one sense...but, it is being used otherwise...WOKE...
The past tense of wake...right...but not here...or there, or anywhere...somehow it has been gotten into the minds of those who think civil rights...it does not have any symbolism in a 4 word acronym...which I thought it might...it's almost whatever you want it to mean...depends on who is giving the deliverance...cofveve?...
Erika Badu wrote and sang about WOKE in a song of hers back in 2008, 'Master Teacher'...guess this is where it got some going...but, studying the lyrics, it sure seems like she was using it as the past tense of wake...and infiltrated it through the tune...somehow, it turned into a colloquial thang...
Oxford Languages defines it as 'alert to injustice in society, especially racism'...'we need to stay angry, and stay woke'...hmmm, there you go...so, when you see the word pop up, you have a clue as to what is going on...was this some of the verbage used in the Black Lives Matter movement?...guess so, but I didn't see it then...I will now...
Moving on...
The Match...I did not realize that they have had like 3 others...listen kids, it was fun...DeChamboo and no show Rodgers won....and believe me, Aaron was a huge part of the victory...I like to see these dudes in a different light...gosh, it did show the site, Montana, as beautiful...and on the course was a brown bear...somewhere in the state, a bear mauled someone yesterday...stay away from them...that tells me, I would have to play that GC in a cart...a fast one...
The mighty Padres won last eve...Wil had a beautiful game...he is worthy...and Manny, on his birthday, was awesome...and surely should be all star bound...the Bums and Giants both lost, again...so we gained a game on them...hip hip...I must add this...32,000+ on a Tuesday nite...the crowd was alive!...
The NBA...Suns won...the Buck's Giannis did play...and the game was booooring...one on one and I had to turn it off...nobody has a clue defensively...or any semblance of pattern hoops is totally gone, baby...
Think we are finally coming out of our squiggly sickness...fever, tummy tantrums, and general malaise...
The World...
The Haiti President was assassinated yesterday...Jovenel Moise...look at where this country is....attached to the Dominican Republic...and just across the Atlantic from Cuba....and Guantanamo...where we still have a base...
donny q is reportedly gonna throw another lawsuit into the court system...civil-action one against Facebook, Twitter, and Google...'wrongfully censored'...bet he doesn't use Rudy, the former minister of madness....who says he hasn't been paid for the past services he 'gave' to trump...or Billy, either...who would represent the bloke, when he doesn't pay up?...
Are you trying to follow the mayoral race in NYC?...totally lost on what is a vote and what is not...what counts and what doesn't...see what you started, donny....
Door to door service to vaccinate all Americans with the Covid 19 serum?...I don't think so...at some point, the forevers have to come to their senses...and get on down to CVS, Walgreens, or wherever...and get inoculated...before they end up in the hospital...
Massachusetts...a gal was on a rampage...stole a truck...and was being pursued...this is not a joke...took some time off, and decided to stop at Mickey D's drive thru...time out...yea, she was apprehended...with a sausage McMuffin in her hand...
I know you think I am a bit off...crazy almost...should that be almost crazy?...tinkering on the edge...goofy?...well...Big Brother...starts tonight...the mindless ploy of CBS...that lasts most of the rest of the summer...and the Horse digs it...this is the silly season (the match ?)...I tape em, too...so as to not miss a beat...that's why 'they' call me Crazy...