National Spoonerism Day
Aw, sure this could be a throwback Thursday...but, when you run across a thing like (I) can't pass on it...National Spoonerism Day...say what?...I know what a spoon is...the thang you eat your cereal with...a spooner? for a town in Wisconsin...or a lake in Nevada...a mountain pass in that same state...shoot, was a name for a rock band...there was even a movie named this, circa, it is used for a type of a balance board...really..., not what the day is all's credited to this 19 century dude, English reverend Archibald Spooner...where in his sermons...he would switch consonants of 2 words...probably like what donny q did, quite by accident in some of his a master plan, would come out as a plaster man...heating and plumbing would come out as pleating and humming...three cheers for our dear old queen comes out as three cheers for our queer old dean...does this qualify?...when being announced at a pep rally, our principal , whose name was Pickens, got introduced as prickens...guess not a spoonerism...
Speaking of plumbing...George and Gracie were at it again...the names were changed to protect the innocent...this might be a tad bit long, but has some humor to they were finishing up the din din cleaning process...the kitchen faucet quit agua...damn it all, the stack they live in must have shut the water off, unbeknownst to G and G...she calls the upstairs lady...she has water...SO, the issue was their own...George figures out that the head of the faucet MUST be the culprit...unscrews it...Gracie puts it in a tub of SLR (?)...they give it a few hours to clean...just what does this damn thing screw into?...they go to bed, thinking that they would have to call the home warranty to fix the bloody thang...$75 and time...
Alas, prior to sleeping G and G thought through the sit more...she recalls a tube with a weight on it...EUREKA!...that's it he they bed they she pushes the cord up and he catches it...and screws the head on...and, VOILA! worketh...imagine Gracie down in the crevice of the workings...and George trying to grab the cord...Abbott & Costello?...the Two Stooges?...Lucy and Rickey?...probably the latter...
Back when the condos were built...there were mechanisms to allow the windows to be cleaned...set up on the top of the, many are found to be a bit, they have to be this like infrastructure?...anyhoo, here is an example of what's needed to change what's there at a close by condo...
No hoops is worse than bad hoops...well, let's hang on for Olympic's hoops...and their creative officiating...hey, does CP III's nemesis, Scott Foster (0-13 wins) do them?...
Over in DC...the Repubs are still trying to protect the task, committee, to get to the bottom of the Capitol siege...are doing their best to sabotage it...why?....they, too, were running like the others...just ask VP Pence what he thought...maybe, that's the only person they need to call as a witness...
Infrastructure...why would the Repubs block getting our 1930's roads and bridges redone?...perhaps, a few more crumblings and lives lost may convince them otherwise...
What a foo the WSU football coach is...he refuses to go to the Pac 12 he won't get vaccinated...he will meet via Zoom...for moi, an indication of what he is all about...get out of Pullman ASAP players...
My crypto is now $95.37...still a negative's like my investment in Ford...about even Steven...wait, I am less than that...
Back to the often do you change non-stick pans?...'some' say they will last like 3-5 years...depending on usage...I just ordered and received...T Fal...from Amazon...we shall see...
The mighty Pads won game 1 at Hotlanta...then were leading in the nite cap...rain washed it, in Miami for a 4 spot...they have a cover, right?...SF beat LA again...dang...need them to split...