So Gone
Isn't it just peachy, that the days of the constant bombardment of the news of what donny q has been saying, is OVER!...the daily dose of deceit is done...yet, he reared his head Ohio, and repeated his ignorant babble upon his forevers...last nite...enough already, are SO GONE!...
Yup, the streaking is kaput, too...for the Pads and the the Arizona team mauled the listless Friars last evening over at Petco...11-1...well, 10-1...could have been 100-1...the DBacks 24 game traveling loss show is now over...the Padres 8 game winning ways, are too...for us faithful, we were tested...ha ha...another game, that one was just awful...
Ugly...another ugly NBA game...granted the Suns won in LA...but, for the longest times, in the 4th Q...both teams clanged the rock so hard on the rim, that the ball seemed like it was lopsided...3 and 1/2 minutes or so, no no, bang, bong...boring...really, Jimmy Crack Corn...
The death total of the Condo Collapse is 5...but 156 still missing...the humanity of it full of sorrow...and futility...which makes all of us, who live in a vertical community on edge...
A restaurant dang close to our condo, reopened owners...who kept the former name...Salvatores...revamped the place...totally and it is rad...outside seating, and a nite club set up...ha ha, that should invigorate the Meridian folk...anyhoo, it is a was slammed, and we saw some of our fellow Pinnacle peops eating there...too...this is a signature drink I had, called 'Little Italy'...
Flip side...when you hear that term, what does it mean to you?...for us elders, it is the 'other side' of the 45...ah, record...the hit was on one side...flip it over, and ...well, you now get it...
The PGA T in Cromwell, Connecticut...listen, we have no idea where that is...but, after our upcoming trip to Maine...we shall have a better idear...anyhoo, there are like 35 blokes within reach of winning this one...called the Traveler's...42 years young Bubba, in the lead...flip a coin....
Too close?...a lethal stabbing yesterday in SD...on 1st and Broadway...not that far away from us...what is going on, people?...
My crypto currency has investment is about $88...which means I have lost far...
We went to get the 'latest' flu shot...not available until August...can the virus wait until then?...please?...
I'm repeating myself here...but, if you were to ask 100 random peops, what they thought of the Chauvin prison would get 100 different responses...Repub, Democrat, Independent, forevers, or anyone else...
This is real many of you still go to church?...
Finally, I took this pix, from a nearby condo...what does this mean?...