Sleeping Together?

Already peeked your interest...or, is that peaked? of them...a report, ah, THE REPORT out of USA Today. that says this tiny little Tuesday Tidbit...that one out of four couples do not SLEEP TOGETHER!...yes, 25%...might this be age dominant?...the older the couple, the more chance of this occurring?...hmmm, it did not say MARRIED couples...was this gender biased? couples, too?...we could go on...right?...

The article went to the reasons...not only for the obvious, that SHE snores too loudly....and he can't sleep...OK, maybe the opposite...but, the psychology of it all...that it makes for a better relationship...ah, what? parents did not...sleep in the same bed...I never thought a single thing about it...kind of grossed me out that they might even have sex...I was one of 5...ha ha...

I have friends that do this too...sleep apart...25%?...I don't ask, but I bet it is higher than that...I can't imagine not sleeping in the same bed...shoot, we have the dawg in their too...the more the merrier...and we have sides....I'm on the about you?...

The article did not specifically say married the younger peops have trouble signing on a piece of paper to make the match legal...or, even go into a church, let alone to get hitched there...the times they are a changing...think Melania slept in the same bed with donny q?...'they' say they didn't...part of that 25%...

Time for a Horse Poll...what is YOUR situation...same bed, or not?...of course, you MUST have a mate to qualify...


The mighty Padres had a beaut in game one of the matchup with them Bloody Bums...we scored 4 runs before ever making an out...and that 4 runs held Yu was awesome...striking out 11 Dodgers...a 6-2 romp, as Manny hit a dinger in that fun 1st...and Croney had one later on...42,000 + at Petco...and it was Padre dominant, for the 1st time in like forever...usually, the locals lurve the again, the times they are a changing...

One more...I will say without a doubt, Manny is the slickest fielding 3B I have EVER heard me right...better than Brooks...or anyone else...he is magical...even Kooz...

A new rule took effect last eve throughout MLB...the umps would routinely check the pitchers out for foreign substances on their glove, hat or person...wonder who will get caught first?...10 game suspension if so...

When things start to go bad, like when you are beisbol...too many games...da Cubbies have this player that lost track of how many outs there were...and he made a grave error...does he not have base coaches?....anyhoo, a sign...of losing his team...the Mgr benched him for it...power surge...

Let's see, who is left in the semis for the NBA hoop crown? the east, it is the Hawks vs the the west, it is the Suns vs the Clip got a fav?...right, me neither...

Hey, the finalists for the PDX Blazer job...include Becky assistant for Pop at San Antonio...also, I hear Chauncey Billups...and a retread...Mike D'Antoni...can any of them teach defense?...a must...

My not so hateful friends about Jon Rahm...they heard his after win interview, and are wavering...'well, he's better than Sergio'...talking the US Open winner...

Isn't it so odd, how the news services emphasize something so much...then it peters out...they move on to something else...and THEY all seem to cover the same they don't want to be left out...or, have themselves out hustled...the wall was so important just a few weeks ago...try to find an article on it now...

My crypto coin is now down to like $80 much for the great investment...thanks a lot, those who are in the know...

New report out...that coffee drinkers have a better chance of NOT getting liver disease...unless, YOU drink a lot of alcohol, that counters the benefits of the cup of remember the Carter's Little Liver Pills?...must of been crammed with caffeine...

Finally the big many Mgrs have their starting pitcher go at most 6 innings...maybe 90 pitches at most...but, I was watching the College WS...and this bloke from Vanderbilt, has his ace go well over 100!...protecting whose arm? was Al Leiter's son...the pitcher...extreme prospect...c'mon college coaches...

So, they must call each other via the cell phone...'honey, you up yet?'....


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