Shoot! Arm Us All
Reckon if you want to feel safe, the place to be is in be a the Guv there is gonna OK the packing of a revolver, UNDOCUMENTED! need to fill out any got the cash, the firearm is's not the wild Wild West, but gosh, it is getting that way...they make their own rules do know, that Teddy Cruz is one of their senators...enuff said...what was the old thang?...a plot of land, a pickup, a long neck bottle of beer, some boots, and now, add a six shooter...oh yea, the price is right to buy a house there, too...c'mon over...
We had this thing, in our many thoughts about relocating...about settling into the central part of Orygun...Bend, Sunriver, or...actually had a condo in Sunriver...but, we rethought to way south...way way south... but the Bend thing, was a near reality...even lately, we had that thought...but now, that it may be part of Greater Idaho...we have shut down that lingering idea...
Speaking of shut down...2 more days until The Beach I just read they are kicking off a 30 or so day concert tour at Petco...'Wouldn't it be nice'...
Amazon is in the process of buying have the Amazon Prime thang? will be even bigger...this Bezos dude, knows what he is doing...monetarily....
The mighty Padres put together a combined fine effort over the Brewers more day seems brighter when we win...why is that?...
OK, the Doc found out what was wrong with me leg...achilles not torn...but oh so sore...I am now on more substantial Advil (prescribed type), in a week, back to 'normal' no golf today...ha ha...
Damn if it doesn't look like the best teams in the NBA are the damn Nets and Lake Show...especially Brooklyn...they have it all, and actually played D yesterday...if that continues, the trophy is theirs...of course, my prognostications are rarely correct...hope I am wrong again...
KK flunked the early lawyer exam....really? is that possible?...
Where is LiLo anyway?...haven't seen nor heard of her, like forever...
And to finish up on my smut lines, JLo and Ben appear to be hooking up...again...perfect match, I say...
The BEST album of the day...the soundtrack of 'American Graffiti'...the songs in that were perfectly placed throughout...gosh, what a great film and the music was divine...can watch it over and over...
Another big match...made for TV thang...Lefty and Tom Terrific...versus, well, Tiger is, 'they' came up with the jerk DeChambeau paired with the hold out Rodgers...July...shouldn't the boys be playing football?...
Active shooting in San Jose...Cali...the shooter is 'down' we go again...Texas, are you hearing this?...the early report is 'multiple fatalities'...shit...
A full day of rehabbing...