Listen, don’t hate cuz we r beautiful....KK quote....naw, you are the best money can buy...don’t hate us cuz we are frolicking in the sun in Maui...a diff fam...ha ha...
The idea came up to travel the island...perhaps to Wailea and Kihei...we have a rig,so why not?...we have the time, we have the beer...
The House Repubs want to squash further investigations into trumps capitol caper...oh my...as they forget,how they were running for their lives that day...
Over in the mainland, or on the mainland...the mighty Padres keep winning...7-0 shutout of the Rockies...Yu was rocking...
We ate at Dukes ...so good...tomorrow is Mama’s ...the best fish place anywhere...and...the most expensive...gonna blow my whole SS check in one meal...
And the trip to Paia...far out dude...rad...hippie heaven...peace...
Power to the people...in Florida...Rep Val Deming is gonna run against Marco Rubio for that senate seat!...as trump always said ‘vote early and often’...
THE play in NBA game is manana...Gs vs LA...go Dubs!...
Saw a squib on the tele that Baffert and his horses are suspended...from Where?...
The BEST album of the day...’Walk, Don’t Run’ by the Ventures...kinda keeping with the surfing vibe...
Man, the Hamas and Israel...who is right and who is wrong?...
Rudy, the former minister of madness, his son is running for NY guv...K...
Does this surprise you, I am looking for a groovy hat...