When one hears or reads the number 232, people might think that it is a highway...or an area code...NO!!!...it is the number of mass shootings in the USA THIS YEAR!...as I left the writing yesterday, the news broke of another one in San Jose...at a light rail yard...the trams that are prevalent in bigger cities...9 killed, and himself...a worker there...the Congressionals 'our thoughts and prayers go out'...what should go out, is them...and the NRA and their lobbyists...and this morning, out of free and easy Texas...3 cops were killed on a routine stop at a house...I guess we are now adding that to the number...now 233...does your elected official have no shame?...what will it take?...
You tell me...I am at a loss of what to do and think...the obvious is to get the rapid fire rifles out of the hands of the common man...but, there are those who think that there are too many out there....that they own one or many, so they can protect themselves...I guess this is it...we have to start somewhere....anywhere...but, the idea of no background checks in Texas, has befuddled me...help me understand...
So, the NBA players want and love the crowds to return to their games...BUT, the fans are crazed about the return...as the passion has gone overboard...last nite, a couple of incidents...as a player got spat on in NY, and one got popcorn thrown on him in Philly...listen people, it's a game...control yourself...there you go, problem solved (sic)...ah, who is playing today?...Suns at Lakers, and Nuggets at PDX...good stuff...
Beisbol...the mighty Padres took advantage of the absurd OT rule that is in place and won the decider in Milwaukee, 2-1...and the league 'honored' the longevity of the ump, Country Joe West...a pain in the rear to the game, but he has lasted a very loooong time...how did he celebrate the tribute?...tossed out a mgr after having a pitcher change his cap...thought he may be cheatin'...
The BEST album of the day...'Teenage Triangle' by James Darren, Paul Peterson, and Shelley Fabares...OK, this is taking ya'll way back...or, me...course I had this thang for Shelley...'Johnny Angel'...
I have to go thru my stuff and see what I have from The Beach Boys...ah, Saturday Nite concert...think I have a couple of tees, a sweat shirt, and some caps...how about 'Hawaii?'...
Time for some legal issues...a grand jury...in NY...been convened to look at the trump organization...23 members, and it takes a simple majority to get something passed...12-11...supposedly they have been meeting already...3 times a week?...I think that is correct...donny q is claiming complete immunity cuz he was the Prez...don't think the GJ cares much about that...heard yesterday, that a judgment should come out within 6 months...
Ground floor...man, I have thought that this might happen long ago...but the re-emergence of Paul Ryan, in the Republican Party is happening...he will make a speech tonight in Simi Valley, Cali...and will criticize trump and his hold on the party...about time...stay tuned...
Here's a pix for this throwback Thursday...see ya maƱana...