The Match

The games that we in San Diego, WANT to see...the first series with the the mighty Padres host...there are rampant rumors out there...that there is to be 33% capacity...?...that our SS Tatis, Jr is gonna return....that LaLa worked their rotation of SP to be at full strength for us...ah, what the people want to see...are the Pads moving on up?...them pundits are shouting out raves of the Dodgers...probably deservedly...we shall see...

Another mass a Fed Ex place...8 killed + numbers wounded...the killer then took his own life...reportedly a rapid fire rifle used...again...

On the brighter side...wondrous weather here in Indio...the mini trip to Palm Springs a gas...and the capper of the jaunt to the casino, was tummy filling great...not so much the was a one way ticket from my wallet to their coffins...BTW, masks required everywhere in the place...

Packing up Cosmo for the return to SD...I will finish this up, when we get there...later on today...enjoy your Friday, kids...

Gonna leave you with a'In the year 2525' by Zager and Evans...not exactly the Everly Bros...or Skip and Flip...or the Brothers Osborne...


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