Powerful Post
The thing about a blog, is somehow we have to keep YOU interested...in what we say...knowing full well, that it may be different from YOUR stance in life...so to keep YOU absorbed, we have to publish topics that have substance...and validity, reliability and truth...as we see it...ha ha...to be totally accurate, we is really me...the Horse...and I stand by what I say and write...'The Horse approves this message'...something like that...or, to cut to the chase, what would Dr Rick say?...
As we approach the date to board a plane to get to Maui...there are things that have to be done prior...like take a Covid test...I am probably naive about it, but we have all had our Covid vaccine shots, shouldn't that be sufficient?...at $170 a pop, well, it seems a bit like having the yearly smog test on our vehicles...perhaps, a poor comparison...believe I read that we no longer have to take another test, upon arrival in the dream world of Hawaii...
Our fellow travelers there...the Snookis...well, he was a bit muffed that I keep using him in slanderous ways...in my humor, when talking the worst song of the day bit...OK, my older elder senior citizen, from the great PNW, I will cease the incessant use of your likeness in the ongoing sarcastic approach to what has been out there in the music land...hmmm, or I will try to....if I mess up, I am truly sorry...
The Bums got game 3...there is a rule in beisbol, that was put in to speed up the action...the time of the matchups...that if the manager subs in a relief pitcher, he must face at least 3 batters, or if the inning comes to an end, he can face less...which was the difference in this game...as our RF P, gave up 3 straight hits, then walked a bloke...and momentum shifted to LA....boooooooo...I shan't watch all these, as I do get riled up doing so...
In this isolated case of police procedure...I still don't know what the cop should have done, when approaching that melee when he shot the gal with the knife in hand...I have watched that over and over...just not sure what I would have done...TG, I am NOT a cop...
Staying in the shooting stuff...there has been little released about the why's of the Gaslamp shooting...the killer lived here...where is here?...in a high rise?...hoping for more info today...
Alrighty then Snooki, the worst song of the day...today, will be the end of this gig...tomorrow I shall start a month's worth of the BEST albums...back to the bad...'How Can I Live Without You' by Michael Bolton...the screeching, STOP the screeching...some of youse, might have been a follower of...but, it had too much for me to listen to...BTW, almost every source I peered into, had Paul Anka's 'You're Having My Baby' as a worst song...I kinda liked it...
Many thanks to the miracle Mackles for the happy hour, turned great din din...somebody over served moi...
The Academy Awards are tonight...you going to watch?...do you care who wins?...let's be real shallow, and look at the dresses...'who you wearing?'...'well, Ryan, I am wearing JCP'...they should start the telecast with an Oscar for the best dressed...
I just read this back and it certainly was a Seinfeld...something bout nothing...have a wondrous Sunday, kids...here is my hero, Dr Rick...thanks for reading, and pass me on...the more the merrier...