An Unbelievably Sad Happening
Sometimes, it just pains me to tell a story that happened...a very real and disheartening one...that seemingly can't occur...on the pixels, in a made for TV spectacle, yes...but for real?...something that is a truth, that just is too hard to explain? a gal and her friend, just left having pizza for dinner...walking back to wherever...perhaps, their car...maybe their home...on the streets of San Diego...when above her, a guy decided to take his own life via a jump from the 9th floor of a parking garage...he did, but landed on the girl, too!!!...taking her life as names I will mention...a very unbelievably sad...tale...and true...
On Fox News..listen, I'm all for freedom of speech...but this dude, Tucker Carlson, is stretching what is a reality...his daily rant about anything that isn't his's hard to ignore him...which I think is the way to go...but, his assertion that people should confront those who wear masks...well, he has gone a bit far...the last thing we need, are more confrontations...
The division that the mighty Padres are in...the National League West...could be the best in beisbol...who is on fire right now?...the unexpected ones, the San Francisco Giants...most of the talk is all about the 'rivalry' between the Bums and the Pads...but, SF is rolling right along quite are the gotta suit up each and every day when playing these days off...
The Academy Awards...Reuters has reported that the audience was 58% less than the year before...let's call that, I could see turning the bloody thing off after a few minutes of the poor production, but this is what people pre-determined...not to watch it at all...get a host, dudes...
Yes, the Horse played in the rain out at Singing Hills...I am not a mudder...the ball didn't travel...and it was wet, duh...I did NOT have my rain suit, like a ninny...
The college players can now leave the programs they signed on to...willy the drop of a....well, you know...just plain weird...but, a head scratcher to moi, is the ladies coach of Baylor, Kim Mulkey...a very successful one, I might add...that has all the sideline fire of one Horse, of the past...picked up her ball and signed on at LSU...says she is 'home'...well, she played a Louisiana, sorta home...$?...the pundits say she might earn less in her new 'home'...hmmm...without a doubt, one of my fav coaches out there...
The best album of the day...'Tapestry' by Carole the days, of filler in an album, this was a hit from top to bottom...well, both sides of the vinyl disc...she was a gifted song writer, with Gerry Goffin, but this was her solo effort, and singing, too...mahvelous...
Tucker might like this....but news outta Nashville, is that all capacity limitations are to be lifted there, on May 14...they are 'opening up!'...
A must see...on Amazon Prime...'Them' is a peek into the past...of Compton, is fiction, but has loads of truth in will peak your interest and make you search out history of the area...yes...
This is Derby Week in Kentucky...still on my bucket list...think I might have to plan a couple of years ahead to get this one accomplished...ha ha...have not looked at the hosses entered yet...but I will...
This stat true?...72% of adults live within 20 miles of where they grew up...if so, we fail...we are part of the 28% who don' about you, where do YOU fit?...
In my next couple of days to how in the Hell to make 'General Tso's Chicken'...any of you out there in Horse land...can you give me a clue...or a recipe that YOU use?...never made it prior...