A New Route
On our return trip to San Diego, we get the honor to stay in Indio again, at them Morrises palatial estate...which breaks up the drive from Havasu, but gets us the chance to catch up on all the juicy gossip from our homeland in Keizer, Orygun...as they entertain, often, the folks who need a getaway from there...anyhoo, we are especially grateful for homing pad...ah, why isn't that 'greatful?'...damn the English...
And...we used a different path this time....went thru Blythe, and then on the 10...a bit longer, but much much safer...as we WILL return to Lake Havasu...this next time for a longer period...
So, what's been going on in YOUR world?...the Covid dominates, of course...and the great state of Arizona, hmmm...where we were, the concept of a mask, is virtually non-existent...in fact, they may lecture you about it...when we wore ours, we GOT big stares...as we had to be invaders from elsewhere...
Cop shooting...shooting BY THE COPS...it is a highly stressful job for sure...making split decisions...I get it...but, at the cost of life?...seems to moi that being a tad bit more on the safe side...right?...appears that we are always on the brink of something bad...
Prez B is taking our troops out of Afghanistan...I thought that trump already did that...perhaps, that was Iraq...hey, if we vacated all the Middle East, what and where would we get our oil?...some say we get enough elsewhere...if so, then what the hey?...
THEM...a new series that is intriguing...about the city of Compton, in LaLa...how factual is this?...if true, mighty disgusting...a MUST see...thought provoking...
The mighty Pads...man, limping home to take on the Bums...2 of our starters are not doing so hot...our SS is out, Wil (RF) went down, too...well, one more in Ptt, at 9:45 am....the Sheriff going...hmmm...
Time for the worst song of the day...'Like A Virgin' by Madonna...yea, right...let's not get into specifics...but, the writhing on the floor...just added to the presentation...some people lurved the song, I think Snooki did...but, I led the opposition...still do...think she still sings this during her concerts?...re-virginized?...
JLo and ARod...are off...damn, it was a match made in....well, apparently not...
Today is Palm Springs, the pool, the casino...and MASKS...we are back in Cali...