Punxsutawney Phil
Now THIS is what I call weather predicting...don't get me started on analytics or anything like that...or them weather balloons...throw out that bloody Farmer's Almanac...you heathens...and fuggit about watching your favorite weather astrologer (?) on the tele...ah, they may have another name...I know some of you, just watch to see what they are wearing...I know this...not sure how many weather apps you have on your phone, but they all fail in comparison to Punxsutawney Phil...THE groundhog...if he sees his shadow then, there is 6 more weeks of winter...there you go...he did, and there is...case closed...do not put away your winter clothing...
Out at the golf course yesterday, you can probably guess the number 1 topic...the dude, that has a cloud above him, wherever he goes...Patrick Reed...did he, or didn't he cheat?...the rules guys say no...the ones there...but, the rules hacks, like us...say yes...he got away with it...his defense of 'well Rory did it, too'...right on statement...they both did it wrong...shoulda called someone in...before doing the 'pick up and move'...even on our level, like the lowest anywhere...we call each other over...
Prez Biden brought in the 10 Repub Senators to discuss the 'Covid relief bill'...said to have gone on for quite some time...was it browbeating, or a real conversation?...just a hunch, it was the latter...have not heard the outcome...yet...what a difference an election makes...
Lindsey Graham, trump's crony...has put out a warning to the Senate Trial...do not bring up witnesses...ah, what?...or he would call in the FBI...that is hilarious...OK, let's have a trial with NO WITNESSES!...right...
This gal that is causing so much chaos...Marjorie Taylor Greene...well, even Mitch has had enough of her...'her views are a cancer to the GOP'...she is a Rep from Georgia...how the heck did she get voted in?...she has had quite the belief history...a QAnon supporter, she confronted a Parkland shooting survivor...unfortunately for her, the list goes on...hmmm, in her eyes, maybe not...Mitch goes on 'blasting her for embracing loony lies and she is not living in reality'...
Is bifurcation on the way into the world of golf?...rather than continuing to add yardage to a golf course, there is movement to do the other...not take away yards, but demand the use of limited distance golf balls...perhaps, altering the golf club, too...the reasoning?...match the skill to performance, rather than the way it is going...length overshadows all...so, YOUR club, could demand this on some tourneys...might the PGA do so, too?...imagine a 60 compression rock, in lieu of the 100 one...
A sidelight here...back in the day, when Marsh first took up 'golf'....she assumed that she could hit the ball as far as most...'it's the way it looked on the tele'...she hit a shot, that didn't get to the green and complained that she should have been on the putting surface...I told her that 'I gave her flight restricted balls, only...'...she was irate...called me unprintable names...
Snooki's song of the day...'Papa's Got A Brand New Bag'...by James Brown...interesting, as we just had a nite of him on YouTube...really liked 'Baby Please Don't Go'...just love the music of the guy, and his band...catchy and fun...
LeBron got into it with a fan the other nite...in Hotlanta...had the gal kicked out of the arena...geez, there are just a few let in...so, the fans can be heard a bit too easily...she was not too nice to the player...by all accounts, he wasn't too nice, either...and you couldn't kick him out...er, they, or, whomever does that....
I swear this is the truth...had a dream last night...(sorry MLK)...that the neighbors below us were smoking cigs...and the smoke was coming up our bedroom window...I could SMELL the smoke in my dream...yes...and I asked the dude to move to the other side of the deck to toke up...hmmm, can you toke a cig?...well, it's the bloody truth...I actually SMELLED the smoke of the cigarette...
Knew this might happen...but one of the blokes who stormed the Capitol...arrested and charged with assault...is going to defend his case, with attorneys that are going to pin the blame on trump...stay close to this one...
Finally, this is the day I call SONIS direct and see if they can fix the missing speakers....geez...sounds like a day of frustrations...Daffy Duck...