Another Phone Call
Day 2 of the Impeachment damning as it the Senators were scrambling to safety...just how close the mob came to them...52 steps away from the VP Pence...the lack of protection, and the continued ambivalence of trump during it all...failing to call out the National see, he planned it...he was satisfied with the results...take back the country by a coup...and the video of the bloke on the bullhorn, telling the mob EXACTLY what trump was tweeting...OMG!
His own entourage, was asking, begging, pleading, that he call it off...'people will be killed'...this is not a good man...and this just came out...stay real close to it...while the mob was in the Capitol and searching for the do whatever...trump was ON ANOTHER PHONE CALL...with the newly elected Sen from Alabama, Tommy Tuberville...get this timing...while the attack is IN the Capitol...and as trump was asking for him to delay the vote...the electoral vote...Tuberville told trump that he had to go, that Pence was just taken from the Senate floor!...immediately, trump ramped up his tweeting on how Pence had not done his job...
Can the Reps call Tuberville to testify?...they have another 8 hours of stating their case...the Senate Republicans who vow to hold the line...and vote to acquit...are they actually watching all this?...they, too, were scrambling out the door to safety...did they forget that already? they really know who orchestrated it all?...HAVE THEY NO SHAME?...
OK, I got to get off this for a's getting me all riled up...
As I was meandering out to the golf course, this song was playing and...damn it all, I can't get it outta my mind now...Pop Musik...'pop pop, pop musik' it repeats itself...I kept humming it throughout the round...a goodun, mind you...inasmuch, as I was getting the others to do the same...asked who 'sang' it...was told Devo...ah, who?...Snooki would know them...that is a them, right?'s not a one man thang, is it?...of course, they were was done by M...what? you are gonna hum it, I guarantee you...
Have you ever thought about this...that many magazines and printed thangs, are owned by the same newspapers, are owned by the same organization throughout the land...same with periodicals (magazines)...somebody is trying to control us...
The golf dudes are up at the NoCal Mecca, Pebble Beach...the best part of that T, was the pro-am...with all the celebs playing with the pros...and the fans...gone...the T exists...but the fans?... zilched out...zilch?...a word?...the cost to play Pebble Beach, for you or me?...$575 + $45 non-resort guest...and the caddie?...this is 18 holes, round!...
Rest assured now....the gal with the gorilla glue, in her it out surgically...just trying to figure out how someone could possibly put gorilla glue in their hair, to keep it from moving...ah, now, trump, I could see that...
Snooki's song of the day...'Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes' by Jimmy the Salemite older elder is warning of oncoming weather there...rain, sleet and a little snow...seems to me, a little bit of 'Margaritaville' might be needed...
Speaking of margarita...the Boss was pulled over for drinking that...a shot, as he was taking pictures with adoring fans...talking Bruce Springsteen...I guess the cop was not so adoring...
This is a throwback Thursday, is a pix of yesteryear...with them Mackles...