For the life of me, I can't figure this Congressional holdup...out...why the Repubs would try to block the stimulus addition of $1400 bucks...why?...the rationale?...well, like so many of what WE see, it is out of our hands, and in theirs...does it take a simple majority to get it thru?...I thought it was one of Prez Biden's declarations...signed into law...yup, I know nuttin...can't they just take some of the scratch from the trump wall fund?...
Staying in DC...the Senate will take up trump's impeachment trial on Feb both sides time to formulate their case...I guess...wonder who donny will get to represent him, as the ones who did the 1st trial want no part of this one....number 2...Guliani, the former minister of madness, is out...way out...ah, portly Pompeo is indeed an attorney, and so...why not send his sorry arse into the Capitol to argue for trump?...
Man, these times are full of tragedy...the deaths of so many...Larry King...who battled the virus...and Hank Aaron, to name just a few...everyone is important, but these two were names we all knew...I have a humorous memory of Hammerin Hank, but not now...this is not the time...may they Rest In over 400,000 fellow Americans have...and are...lord...add another to the...well, a lady I worked with at North Salem High, Helen Ritchey...just a terrific gal, who did the bookkeeping...she kept my finances right on...dang...
Yes, I was the bloke who said this...the most important people in the schools, are the secretaries!...regimes come and go, but the secretaries are there ALL THE TIME!...and I treated them as such...with respect...
OK, I am going to go off on a non-tangency here...but, for goodness sakes...take care of yourself...mask, keep social distancing yourselves, and wash, clean...and when you can...GET VACCINATED!...guess it is tangent after all...
Hmmm, doesn't happen much...but yesterday, I had a 35 on the back...3 birdies...def will help the score...who is that guy?...let's just say I was hitting the driver well...enough of the pats on my own back...
Snooki got his song in late...but, we can go...'I'm In A Philly Mood' by Daryl Hall, minus Oates...he has early signs of...well, you know...
The solution...with teams that can't play a game, for lack of healthy players...don't care what sport...that should be a forfeit...sorry, kids...but to have some squads miss like 4 games in a row...naw....either play with whom you have, or forfeit...that's my judgment...
So, I am back to the dilemma...what to do about the lease on the appears they have given me my final offer, of $8000 down, and virtually the same payment for 36 months...for a new car like the one I have...OK...I could just give it back...and look elsewhere...which I have been doing...everywhere...thing is, we want another much as I have scanned...the price I would have to pay for a rig, is about $20 grand...and no payments...flat out buy the rig...what shall I do?...I have a month and a half to decide...BREAKING...Marsh wants no part of the lease program....we are now looking...she wears the pants, apparently...
It is the weekend...or is that weeknd? many peops have their names after like real words? know, like Horse...change their name...Brad Pitt is Bill Pitt...Rhianna is Robyn Fenty...Michael Caine is Maurice Micklewhite...Audrey Hepburn is Edda Ruston...Cary Grant is Archie Leach...Marilyn Monroe is Norma Jean Mortenson...Natalie Portman is Neta-Lee Hershlag...Helen Mirren is Ilyena Mironov...Diane Keaton is Dianne Hall...and I could go on and on...Whoopi is Caryn Johnson...
And NOW you know...