'Twas The Night Before Christmas

In our era, this is the worst...the near destruction of what we have spent our entire lifetime help building...the livelihood of our space in this country...this pandemic tears away the foundation of it all...thus far, the Covid has permeated our society...virtually gone unchecked...as we await the vaccines that very well, could cause some suspense in what has hit us...turn the corner, so to speak...

The 'worst' I say?...no, that goes to trump...who vacates the very position that he was voted in to do...the leadership as the President of the USA...when is the last time he has stepped up and addressed the Nation on the virus?...when the masses are hiding behind masks, cordoned off to the safety of their homes, and vigorously cleansing themselves whenever they leave their own premises...the act of talking to the people of America...assuring, then reassuring that help is on the way...to stay strong in these tough times...nary a word from this bastard...

Instead, he spends his time, trying to figure out how to reverse the will of the people and their vote...he lost...and yet, he continues to try to dismantle the Constitution...intimidates any left who can be...gets his forevers to start a groundswell to disrupt the inevitable change coming...he has vowed '30 days of Hell' before he is ridden out on rails...

In this macabre of guidance, he has actually left DC to his golf course in Florida...without signing the 2 necessary bills of help to the country...who does that?...suggesting that they both need changes...you and I all know he didn't read them...never has...just one more point in his 30 days...

PARDONIA is rampant...yea, he finds time to pardon those who helped scheme the '16 election...who were found criminal...and sentenced to prison time...the latest?...Manafort, 'lock her up' Roger Stone, and get this one...Jared's father...tax evasion dude...trump must be sensitive to this issue...as donny paid $750 of tax in the 1st 2 years of his presidency...I think that is 46 people thus far, that have been pardoned...

Might the judicial system be looking at this with ANGER?...to sentence the blokes for their crimes, and then, trump pardons them!...a slap in the face of all judges out there...who is next?...right, YOU know...his fam, the minister of madness, and himself...PARDONIA is ALSO an unchecked virus...

Enough of this Horse...it's Christmas time...

I'm in a bad mood...the Blazers have been smashed in the pre-season and were also last eve in PDX...the Jazz humiliated 'em...disorganized and well, not what many of the pundits have been predicting...over in Houston, the Beard went out to a strip club, was caught on tape, and maskless...thus fined $50 grand, and the team postponed their game...to me, they should have to forfeit the game...

I read this and thought, was this intended?...from David Frum...'Jeff Epstein should have hung in there, he'd be a free man tonight'...

Can't let this go...but is there an abuse of the powers of pardons by a president?...

Cuomo says that trump is the WORST president ever...no duh...hands down...not even a close 2nd...

This is out there, too...now that he is in Mar-a Lago...the staff should bail all his clothes up...toss them on the White House lawn and change the locks...

Get me outta this mood, Snooki...his song of the day...'Merry Christmas Darling' by the Carpenters...yup, Karen Carpenter had a special voice...the Xmas album of theirs was and is highly sought after...I dunno, the first of it was kinda boring, but picked up the pace...later on...

Guliani, the postmortem minister of madness, was told by his master to get out and decorate the West Wing...Rudy read me blog yesterday, and was seen at Macy's looking for a Festivus pole...

Tree?...yes...Lights?...yes...Food?...yes...Liquor?...yes...Music?...yes...TV?...yes...Presents under the tree?...no...none...nada....zilch...zero...nil...nuttin'...nix...zip...bupkis...diddly-squat...

They have one more day to arrive...

Thank you for reading the Horse, and if I miss ya'll tomorrow...have a Merry Christmas...


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