Merry Christmas
Make the best of it...try to inject some form of merry in your's really really hard to do, right?...this entire Holiday Season has been just like that, too...doesn't, er hasn't felt this way for a long long many people having to deal with distraught in their lives...losing a loved one, having to quarantine, or just living apart for this usually festive time of the so amazingly difficult to handle...but, you, we MUST!...
I'm not telling you anything is on all of our minds...we try...but sink back into near depression...thank goodness for the vid calls, the social networking, and the immediate family we live with...imagine without...
Those, out of work...trying to get by...needing a paycheck...listen kids, $600 seems like a lot to know where I am going to go next...the insidious bloke leading the country, is harboring himself in Mar-a-Lago golfing...refusing to sign and relief for the Covid...he Tweets that he is going to 'work tirelessly and make lots of calls'....give us all a break...we never ever believe a bloody thing he says...
A terrific film docu on the presidential photographer of Prez O...Pete Souza...who has been doing many comparisons to the two styles of running the country...Prez O and trump...first of all, Souza had complete freedom to take pix of Obama...any where, any time...whoever has the job for trump does not...only if they are asked to....just a hint of what the diff is...of course, what is he hiding?...always hiding something...always...
Perhaps, this might answer a few of the queries out there...Guliani, the outgoing minister of madness, has been seen with a brand new Canon camera...apparently an Xmas gift from his master...he has made countless unanswered calls to Ivanka, cuz he can't get the damned thing turned on...try Borat, dude...
Speaking of presents, or lack there of...under our tree...there are none...still...true dat...the one that I had ordered one full month ago, did not arrive before this day...yet, I got a follow up from the company, asking me to rate the purchase...ah, what?...did I like it?...what?...
SOOOO many people did NOT decorate this year...don't blame 'em...I can judge by the lack of trees that I don't see up in at least 75% ( maybe more) of the condos, surrounding moi...some of my friends, passion for this season...
BREAKING...huge explosion in downtown Nashville! bomb?...gonna turn on the tele...
Alas, will end with extremely thankful for our is a pix...Merry Christmas!