Make Mine 'Neat'
Wait a minute, buster...nobody is making nuttin for nobody...the LOCK DOWN is here and SoCal!...for a minimum of 3 weeks...and POOF! goes the Christmas plans...we will depend on the mail carriers of all the different types out there...and the television to keep us alive...well, sort of...the web net and the newspaper, that is, if you still get the written word...and, probably the most important of all, the phone...the cell one, and the landline, if you still have one of them...
Now, I am telling ya'll it is here and not there...where you probably have less restrictive clauses...has something to do with hospital beds...the amounts of...and the numbers of infected Covid people in them...such a horrific time of this era...I read there are schools opening, some shuttering, some going on like there is no pandemic at we await the vaccine...hurry up now...
The oh so 'hot' news of the Sunday...was that trump's newest personal attorney, Rudy Guliani, has the Covid...and is hospitalized...imagine how many people he has possibly infected, with his disregard for space and masking...enuff said on this...
The other character of trumps...his personal AG Billy Barr...has let it out...funny, as these things get 'leaked'...that he may quit the position before the new regime takes over...he may have a race on his hands, to do so before he gets 'fired'...
Read a terrific rumor that trump may flee the country before the Biden/Harris team takes the steering wheel...made me laugh, what country would take him in?...reminds me of when a dictator is overthrown, where the bloke escapes to...naw, he'll settle in Florida...that is still in the US, right?...
Hmmm, if you bet on the pix I gave you for the NFL, I am sorry...did I get any of them right?...well, the Pats/Charger game...never ever bet on the should know this by now...
Were you a fan of the HBO series 'Sex In The City'?...well, if so, you would like the Netflix one, 'Emily In Paris'...shhh, I like it too...don't tell anyone...
Snooki is back...his tune for the day...'Jo Jo' by Boz Skaggs...he wrote it with David Foster and David know Foster, he is married to Katherine McPhee...they made this out in video form BEFORE's all about a pimp...any connection here, Snooki?...
Expect a huge spray down before the Bidens move into the White House in January...where did I get this?...
Another monolith showed up in there is not one in Afghanistan...
Thought for the day...'if every state is on their own for how to handle this Covid do we have a National method of operandi?...when this current 'leader' disregards all semblance of safety, how do we control the virus?...January and Biden/Harris can't get here fast enough...'