Happy Festivus!
Can't believe it is finally here!...the day that the rest of us have been awaiting for, well, like for a year...Festivus!...where we bring out the problems we have had, with YOU...air them out...maybe, show feats of strength, if we could just be together...alas, we are not...many, like humongous MILLIONS of people say that of orange...however, instead...I, the Horse, dedicate this one, in 2020...to the present inhabitant of the White House...Happy Festivus to you, donny!...
His cheer, has exceeded expectations...trumps...as he has started his own holiday...Pardonia...the list has begun with the peops that have been incarcerated, protecting him over the past 4 years...or so...those who lied for him to Congress or the courts...that have supported his campaign...other fellow Repubs that have got themselves in trouble, but inherently dedicated themselves to his 'leadership'...they got a pardon, too...the number has begun with 20...it will grow...he has his family to contend with...the 'shell game' will be addressed...the minister of madness, for sure, will need one...he, himself, probably, too...yes, Pardonia will continue on for more than one day...
'30 days of Hell'...hmmm, the Congress sent him the bill for Covid relief...he called it 'not enough'...amongst other things...the Demos agreed with him...ah, when is the last time THAT has happened?...ha ha...in lieu of $600 a pop, it should be $2,000!....he has said...for real?...we get some of our tax bucks back?...we, do, pay tax...does he?...well, is this propaganda?...will he sign the bill, or send it back?...I don't trust him, there must be some hidden item here...he doesn't care about you or me, just he...
Some random sports thoughts...BYU looked mighty fine in their 'bowl game'...actually, really really good...better than most teams in the country...KD and Kyrie are solid...Durant, especially...as the pundits are right on...never seen a guy recover from an achilles tear, that well...play him every game, or rest some?...the Warriors are bottom feeders again...the Clippers are better than the Lake Show...Charley is but 11, give him time to grow up...then, start talking...whatever happened to Paula Creamer, 'the Pink Panther'?...is she off the tour?...
How can the pro players, in any sport, get the type of cash they are getting, with no fans?...
The US has reached a deal with Pfizer for more than 100 million doses!...it's a coming soon, kids...we are close...I figure...where will we get the shot?...CVS?...
Snooki's song of the day...'White Christmas' by Bing Crosby...nostalgia...coo...the best of them all, I reckon...have you seen the flick that this was in?...
We just finished the 4th chapter of 'The Queen's Gambit'...it is a terrific series, kids...if you haven't got into it yet, give it a go...trust the Horse...
How many states have closed their restaurants?...
Time for a Festivus moment...but, have you been seeing and watching any of these ESPN pundit shows lately?...half of the pundits, I don't get why they have been hired...I'm not naming names, but...I have quit watching them...not like me...
Ponder this...the two bankers that trump used for his overseas account...mysteriously just QUIT!...now THIS is another PARDONIA moment...
A REAL pro put up and connected our TV...it is way cool...and we actually now have the ARC sound...ah, EARC one...
Two days til Christmas...but TODAY, it's Happy Festivus!...