Maybe I'm Amazed

When the Beatles broke up...back when...way back...I was itching for some of their individual, like solo, music that they would for sure put this in your era?...Paul McCartney did so first...with an album, a vinyl, that I so wanted and, had to have...that's better...the hot single from it was 'Maybe I'm Amazed' absolute wonderful track...alas, the rest of it, was like 'filler'...that many artists used to do, when they HAD to record an album, to fulfill their contract...the Beatles, as a group, never did, I was more amazed that this was the only song that had legs...

Just thought you'd want to know...

The Masters...with so many blokes so close, it looked like it was going to be a donnybrook today...well, DJ (Dustin Johnson) has separated himself from the crowd...up 4 to start the final round...count me as the one saying this...without the patrons, lining the course at is pretty and all, but it appears on the tele like many other golf courses...gone is the WOW I right or am I right?...

The Ducks must have had a humongous brain meeting at half time, up in they were getting their arses handed to them by the Cougs...changes were made, and UO came out on was a struggle, but a terrific 2nd half...promise on the horizon...

Reminded me of back in me teaching days at Sprague High in Orygun...the football team, led by coaches Rob Hill and Art Lushenko, would quite often make great half time alterations...and win...serious...

The Beavs...I will give them a most improved award...battled the Dawgs to a barn burner...probably had the game taken away from them...with some odious spotting of the ball, inside the 5 of UW...which would have given them the lead...and the W...I'll bet that the Pac 12 officials, will announce that the crew blew sorry...but, the game stands...1 more thing, the OSU QB can't throw worth a damn...

SDSU in a laugher over Hawaii...just bigger, stronger, and faster...ah, there you go...

A most disturbing Tweet this am, from he delusional or what?...someone needs to tell him...'It's all over, dude!!!'...oh yea, his Tweet..."RIGGED ELECTION.  WE WILL WIN!"....pack your bags...

trump had his base of forevers, stage a revival...the million something...with 5 or so thousand in supposedly there...and he graced them with his attendance...well, he drove thru them on the way to the golf course...this is a true statement...reminded me so much of the Rajnesshees...all, in red, as the leader, drove thru in a limo, waving his hands at them...

There is a sign up sheet in the Capitol Building, on who wants to be on the team that will go into the White House and escort the huge orange out in January...over at the Pentagon, it's list filled up in 3 minutes...(joke, kids)...

trump has said for the 1st time that Biden won, but he is not conceding....see the list above, dude...

BTW, he (orange, huge orange) has been Tweeting like crazy this am...well, he is crazy...does he know we have a pandemic going on?...never Tweets that...but, the election that he got hammered in, yes...

You think that Horse is just a pretty face?...cooked this triple fudge bundt cake yesterday....

Well now, DJ has backed the field...anybody's game now...


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