The Final Debate

Seriously, no more of these...DEBATES!...yea, not even the one for tonight...not with the present regime at the helm...there is nothing that hasn't already been will all be theatrics...well, maybe that might solidify the few remaining KNOW trump will try to manipulate the mute button...'DON'T MUTE ME!'...listen, dude, we have been trying to do so for almost 4 years now...yet, you come in loud and clear...

We 'TRIED' to listen to him in his NC revival yesterday...trump...good real Repubs, you can actually tell me that you LIKE what he says?...c'mon...he says nothing but defense things, clear back to Hillary...what?...rambles on...calls people names...over and over...and over...has nothing to say about improving the country...nothing about healing the Covid 19...nothing about the grief of those who have died...nothing...just rambles...blabbering on...yes, I heard that some of you, are going to VOTE for him, cuz you don't want socialism...hmmm, the same battle cry every 4 years...but listen, he is using YOU, as his vehicle to stay in the White House...get yourself a REAL Repub...not this bloke...

On the other hand...Prez O gave a speech in Philly...oh my...the stark reality of the two was absolutely AMAZING!...what we had...a true orator and leader...who talked points that needed to be said...directions that needed to be addressed...corrections that needed to be done...national pride that has been lost, needs to be regained...replace the leadership in many areas of the government, now run by trump's lobbyist friends...well, get back to what the country is all about...and that is not trump...

So, we all will try to weather the debacle tonight...the insults...the mimicry...the accusations...the nonsense...wouldn't it be great if the moderator, got fed up...walked off...and Borat came on stage and took over...

OK now...

The (Devil) Rays got game 2 of the World Series!...hmmm, how about that!...the hot bats of the Bums, were cooled off...didn't see that coming...and, what was that pitching pattern for LA, anyway?...with your budget, the largest in the can you NOT have enough starters?...bizarre misuse of cash, I'd say...

The CMT Video Awards...was last eve...taped and watched it in less than 30 was a 2 hr show...sooooo many commercials....and way too many dudes singing, many I don't know...but Carrie won the big prize, as she should every time...biased? betcha...

Where is Sarah Palin anyway?...

LeBron doesn't like donny...donny doesn't like LeBron...more people like LeBron than like, VOTE Joe...

Ah, but for the misfortunes of donny...Snooki's song of the day...dedicated to trump...'Breakdown Dead Ahead' by Boz...'baby, your'e in way above your head'...we've been saying that for 4 years...

Every time orange gets caught in an embarrassment...he recanters with 'I was just being sarcastic'...does it bother you that he never ever laughs?...he must be churning inside...

Donny no like a his latest FBI leader...and, subsequently, his personal AG Barr...too...I told you, he will TURN on anyone...the rumors?...he is gonna fire the both of 'em...

ACB's vote goes to the full Senate floor now...for the Supreme Court the country getting duped?...or will she indeed interpret the law?...just like Fauci, these people should be without party that possible?...

I have finally found something that trump has proclaimed, that I agree with him's true, kids..."I am not a politician!"...he is spot on...

Hold it!...climate change?...Wash DC is predicted to snow 10 times as much as last year...what's that mean?...more agua, now I am confused...

Buckle up...pop the popcorn...bring out the bubbly...snuggle in...and watch the FINAL...debate...


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