Talk is Cheap
My oh my, how many of these revivals can the bloke do?...a seemingly endless amount of them, ladened with mask free attendees, all crowded together in tight spaces...totally defying what his 'doctors' and 'advisors' have told him...why?...cuz it's all about get himself re-elected...perhaps, get a chiseled bust of the orange on a they have such on the USA/Mexico border? I have told you often, he will turn on anyone...ANYONE!...they all are in jeopardy...especially he is backed into a corner...the latest?...Dr. Fauci...called him 'a DISASTER!'...yes, kids, the beat (or beating) goes on....and on and is cheap, and he is spending it at a rapid pace...
Next? the debate will be played it needed?...hardly, just another view of the self destructing ogre of a man...a bit harsh, Horse...the rules have a 'drop the mike' included...ah, so how will orange get around this?...walk on over and make a stance?...walk off? KNOW he will pull off a shenanigan or two...yea, this is YOUR proud...does he actually represent YOU?...this is what YOUR leaders should act like?...
Missing in all his revival speeches are the facts of the Covid 19...that 41 states have shown an INCREASE in cases...he says, that the cure is around the corner...what corner?...the number who have died?...greater than 220,000!!!...over 8.2 MILLION cases!!!...all the while, he be dancing to Macho Man...make you sick?...the show he puts on for the people that he has put in jeopardy...probably, unknowingly, making THEM's all about him...
This am...more trump...of course..."Joe Biden is lucky that his personal AG Barr hasn't locked Biden is beyond the pale, It is un-American. There is no other way to put it" is cheap...and he says whatever he can...I think that many are saying the same thing, that the ONE that should be locked up is NOT BIDEN!...
Snooki, save me from this...I am deep in thought...great...he is starting a video from the bottom of a pool...deep pool...with 'I Go To Rio' by Pablo Cruise...I had always thought that this was the name of a singular dude...not so...a band...out of the 70's from SF....known for surf rock music...mellow, baby, mellow...
Even my Republicans friends are saying enough is enough...that they don't like the bloke (trump) but they are going to vote for him....I told them to write in someone they do like...alas, they are stuck...and if he wins, for another 4 years...well, all are...and the Village People will be all over the airwaves...well, on FOX...
The World Series kicks off today...the (Devil) Rays and the Bums...who ya got?...Horse has TB, but dang it all...the LA Dodgers are really, really good...kicked our butts...
Do you know Borat?...a flick that may tickle ya...may make you feel grossed out...may make ya laugh out loud...may make ya'll mad...your choice to watch it...coming to Amazon Prime this week...the last one, I got thru 2/3 rds of it...just for a measuring rod...wonder if orange knows Borat?...
I was told that I have changed my writing in the last couple of months...thank you...hmmm, wait...pondering out loud that good or bad?...geez...thanks anyway...for a Super Tuesday...