Sports Drama
Hey, you pick your sport for DRAMA!...two absolute beauts were contested last night...fuggit about my personal interest, or more of favoritism...I just enjoyed the competition...JCC on who was the all out play of the teams involved...AND, I don't think the officiating was the difference...ah, that is sweet...let's go with hoops first...
The Miami Heat survived game 5 vs the LaLa's now 3-2 for LA...the ebbs and flows of this one, were tremendous...Jimmy Butler and LeBron James, each were at times brilliant...BRILLIANT!...going all out, and leading their blokes to chances...of winning the battle...the difference?...a wide open shot at the buzzer, missed...OK, what else?...the lack of using both teams...they have the guys, just didn't go there...weird, almost a high school game atmosphere...not trusting past number 7 on their rosters...these are pros...c'mon, 6 on Sunday...same site, same teams, same bubble...
The Tampa Bay (Devil) Rays continued their dominance over the NY Yankees...gosh, I am not sure how...seriously, I don't know any of these guys on their roster...I know all of the 5 and the decider of who moves on to the next round (this time of 7)...locked into a pitcher 8th inning HR by TB...ah, I do NOT know the of the Cuban flame thrower, and closer extraordinaire, Aroldis Chapman...that was it...NY couldn't muster up anything...and the (Devil) Rays move on...
And, certainly, NOT from the sporting world...
When a wild animal is backed into a corner, he will defend himself with anger...equate this with Huge Orange...flailing about like, well, you take your pick...attacking anyone and everyone...even his personal AG Barr...listen, he will turn on any of his own people...Mitch, Lindsey, are you hearing me? two are I led with yesterday, have you heard a peep (from trump) about the care of the 34 of his subordinates that HAVE Covid?...Chris Christie is still in the hospital (he was released this am)...I digress...anyway...donny is back onto his odd ( and old) having another 'spreader' event today at the White House...would YOU attend?...Chris, you are out going?...
The other one...that had the mass amount of Covid connection...dubbed 'the super spreader'...was inundated with many Notre Dame people...have ya'll been checked?...curious, as to what the the one today is all about...I do know he is speaking from the balcony...peering down on all his faithful...
Yes, the 2nd debate is officially he told Rush, or of his devout believers...that he wouldn't debate virtually...cuz, he couldn't butt in...and call out lies....of do know, they are all lies...LIES...FAKE NEWS...
From the 'can't make this shit up' files...he has instructed the Chris Christie look-a-like, Sec of St Pompei, to find and release the Hillary's true...he is going to beat Clinton...wait, what the heck?...listen donny, you aren't running against her this time...and, he wants Prez O and Biden arrested for?...I dunno, it must be the stuff he is on...Melania, you are next...them 'roids can be very mysterious on the bod and mind...right, donny?...
Snooki, get us out of this thang...he has come up with 'Bad Moon Rising' by CCR...Credence Clearwater Revival...they were together from '68 to '72...ah, the Vietnam years...'Fortunate Son' was done to talk (sing) about the privileged that didn't get drafted...during that time...I forget, what was trump's condition?...anyhoo, the lead sanger, John Fogerty, got in a squabble with the rest of the band...and they went kaput...he, however, kept singing...
It's all Florida...where our other senior citizens live...this group in the very famous site...'The Villages'...organized a golf cart parade...they all have their own personal carts...and the signs and verbiage?...supporting Biden and Harris...chalk it up, it is done...
On a much different note...and as a video call from the kids and their kid last eve...Cy looked at me and DID NOT CRY ( a first) and then said Pap-py! (another first)...then repeated it over and over...this is a very smart kid...
This out of Texas...a judge blocked the Guv's order of only one drop off box per county...good lord...can you imagine a greater way of suppressing votes?...donny, your turn...
Oh, man...trump has called out LeBron LeBron is NOT a fan of, donny reacted back...called 'James is a hater'...what is this, we are in jr high school, donny?...
Where is Mike Pence?...he suddenly canceled an appearance...the official account had him returning to his home to vote....really?...or, does he have...?...perhaps, he will show up at the White House spreader event today....
Have you heard of this?...'The People of Praise'....Catholic?...
And so it goes...10/10/20...ah, 2020...this is 'World Cash Day?'...