Numbers Don't Lie
This mishmash about the Covid being under wraps...that trump is pushing on US, the people of the United States of America...can be found in the latest numbers that are out...The Largest Single Day Rise in The Covid...EVER!...and he wants to open up?...give us all a break...masks alone, would save over 100,000 lives in the next quarter...c'mon, man, stand up to the country and give us all PRESIDENTIAL statements...not, your blabbering to your base in your need to be addressing the NATION!...not about yourself, but the safety and cautionary ways of the masses that you are supposedly leading...
Back a few years...iff this is the Bob Woodward book, 'Rage'....we came really close to a skirmish, might I call it WAR, with North orange was learning the ropes of his new job...I keep reiterating this point...that book is a must read...for forevers, or will open your eyes, very wide open ...
The Dodgers take the lead in the World Series...a convincing win over TB...hey speaking of TB, the other the NFL....they are taking on the contract of another TB (Antonio Brown)...he's a handful, but a weapon for the Bucs, and TT to use...if, they can control the bloke...
10 days until the I am hearing and reading EVERYWHERE, it can't get here soon enough...let's see what the country wants, and get on with it...
Snooki is throwing me for a loop, with his choice for today...he is a big fan of Steely Dan...I bow to my elder on of the SD, did a solo record...Don Fagan...his cut that he liketh, is 'I.G.Y'...right, what?...which is a critique of post Cold War optimism and futurism...ah, what?...see above, I'm not sure we are in post Cold War...
'Wind energy kills all the birds'...trump...
A fact...more youth voters than EVER!...which favors?...
The PGA dudes are playing in the ZOZO T...what? in the's a Japanese firm...the word itself means a demon on the Ouija board...well, what the heck?...has to mean something else in Japan...are you confused yet?...anyhoo, JT is leading after the 2nd round...
Not sure why, but my numbers yesterday, were off the charts...227!...thanks, and I hope you come on back and read me again...
This is for you not seek out your wife's hand...she does not want to hold your hand...I see that you beckon to her... 'I Want To Hold Your Hand'...and she replies...'Get Back'...their show after the last debate...thanks to the Beatles for this little ditty...
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