Just The Facts...
Crazy baby...the posturing of trump in the Escalade...doing a brief motorcade route in front of the Walter Reed Hospital...to show his adoring fans that he is just fine...impromptu?...his was...the fans?...naw, the called in local chapter of his entourage of forevers...my take?...if he was indeed that healthy...he would have walked out and be seen...nope, he had to be behind the windows of the van...dang it all, endangering the secret service agents that had to cooped up with him...in that air tight rig...bizarre?...of course, what else might one call it?...
Some are demanding more clarity on just what his health is...at what point shall he transfer power?...or, should he be demanded to do so?...ah, I don't think anyone tells him what to do...thinking back to what our leaders of the past HID from us...FDR had polio...Eisenhower had a heart attack...Reagan had very little left in the tank, after the assassination attempt...it's what has happened in the past...who knows what else?...
In the here and now...there has been a suggestion that trump may be released back to the White House as early as today...the stock market futures are up due to this conjecture...seems too volatile to moi...and I will reserve judgment until I see what is REALLY going on...I fear it is much worse than we are being told, or been shown...yes, I think that he is in the throws of something very very bad...in reality, I do hope I am wrong...
OK, then...
Sergio...yes, HIM...won a T...in the south...is this the 1st one since his Masters win?...did it with precision iron play...and get this...closing his eyes at impact with the putter...perhaps, I will try this today...you know, I have done this before...the results?...me eyes are open now...ha ha...
The Chargers are still having the UO QB at the helm...he is doing like super...they did fall, tho...to Tom T and the Tampas...close game...and I give that LA coach days to keep his job...maybe a day...
America's former team, the Dallas Cowboys, lost again...new coach...same results...listen, kids, they just don't have great talent...and that's what wins...fire the GM...
On the other hand, with a grandiose difference of that aforementioned talent...the Heat beat the Lake Show in game 3...egads, no way...never ever bet professionals sports...
Snooki's song of the day...'Time' by Lionel Ritchie...like the time is up?...or time is on our side?...or time marches on?...or time to meet the ____?...enough now, Horse...
Not sure if it's actually him, but the Tweetstorm from trump's account is afire this am...using CAPS, too...doubt it really is him, as the words are spelled correctly....
Many years ago, in a land far far away...well, in Orygun...ah, not that long ago, too...there was this cult...symbolized in dressing up in bright red...who gave up their life long earnings to follow this leader, the Bhagwan (Shree Rajneesh)...the gang not only took over an area, but then...miraculously, started to do the same for the local elections...getting their people in government...Rajneeshpuram...and the 2nd in command, was the notorious Ma Anand Sheela..recall her?...anyhoo...one of his traits, to show that he existed and wanted to be loved...was to do a drive by 'motorcade' for his followers to adorn him...waving from his vehicle...ah........what?...they did that until, it was all over...OVER!...