A Normal One?

Tonight's VP Debate...might this be the NORMAL one?...talking points, without the trump style...interruptions...name calling...you saw it...these two should have much more class...at least that is what I and you...hope...as I said yesterday, this could be as important EVER...a debate amongst real, viable, people...that could be President...most often, I couldn't even recall who was nominated for the position over the years...how about you?...Mike Pence vs Kamala Harris...

As the doctors have been saying...the meds that trump has been taking could very well affect his performance greatly...man, how can you tell?...I digress...one thing that he did yesterday, was out of character (?)...an hour prior to his prized stock market closing...he, unbelievably turned his back on Covid assistance...saying he wouldn't fund it, until AFTER the election...the market moved 600 points downward!!!...he has recanted this am...

I dunno, kids...can you imagine trying to defend trump?...in all of his actions?...that's what Pence will have to do...I can thing of so many items on the list...he will have to move to the offensive side...somehow...perhaps, become offensive?...handle it, Kamala...it will be a pure joy...

Not so good...was the Bums beating the Pads in game 1...the SP Clevinger for us...lasted only 1 inning...hurt again...and we are in dire straits...LaLa has too many weapons...BTW, that home plate ump...some times there is a hint of shenanigans...it smelled last eve...just saying...

Still La La...the Lake Show got game 4...now leads 3-1...and are on the doorstep of the championship...and if so...they would NOT go to the White House...to celebrate...well, right now...

The latest number of the people surrounding trump, that have got the Covid 19?...23...as their boss has said "handle it, don't fear it"...

And for the 'can't make this shit up' files...orange said he got the virus on purpose...to show that it wasn't that bad...that you can truly get through it...OMG!...

Gotta run...


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