The VOTING Has Begun
The very first MAIL IN BALLOTS have gone out...the initial state to start it up?...North Carolina...hmmm, why shall we have any presidential debates?...let's get it on...we know the candidates...we KNOW where they stand on all issues...have to admit, I'd love to watch Kamala and Michael...but, Biden and Trump?...I have seen enough...I believe that we all have our minds made up on who we will give our mark to...BUT, as I will say often from now til November 3rd...VOTE!...assume nothing...
Wooah, the unexpected happened at the Bubble...the Beard and his Rockets, soared over the LaLa Lake match...the spread O, that Houston runs...if on, can cause pandemonium to taller teams...that are forced to chase the Rockets...they can't keep up...very interesting...
The mighty Padres left Anaheim and took their bats with them to Oakland...won game 1 against the A's convincingly...7-0...Jr and Manny homered...Davies (now 6-2) was tuff...tuff...gosh, I wish that Petco was open to fans...well, if there was no would be rocking!...
Not a fan of the final T in the PGA...the amount of strokes under par, determined by their seed...not THIS time...cuz, they haven't had a normal does show that it might be a DJ/Rahm match...I dunno...hey, speaking of golf...I had my lowest score ever at Singing Hills yesterday....78...for you good hackers out there, no big deal...for us true duffers, it is a feat...
Today, is the Kentucky Derby!...we were going to host a party for this, back when it was originally sposed to run...before just doesn't have the same long shot?...Sole Volante...hey, I truly have no clue this time...
We got some roses for the table...and a new bottle of bourbon...(we?)....pretty, eh?...
Humongous lines at Von's the checkout...Labor Day weekend?, we (I) decided to do the self check thang...$155 bucks of we were departing, the gal at the end...'did you have fun?'...I responded, 'would have had more fun, if you were doing it!'...
Snooki's song of the day...'Soldier Boy' by the infamous Shirelles...'dedicated to the one I love'...ha ha, right...Donny...
And yes...when and if you get a mail in ballot...some states do, some don't...VOTE right not put it on the table and procrastinate...but, sorry, Huge only once...