The Silence
Morning, kids...when was the last time that there was so the NFL Sunday season starts up...normally, it is a rocking...filling up most of my sources...talking about who is starting where...what stadium has the best food...the most raucous fans...tailgating gone wild...and on and on...I even had to search the ESPN site for the info on today's is the sign of the times, my good friends...
Our minds are are the news sources...there are more important things out there...than football...shoot, for us west coasters...just go outside...and breathe the smoke into our lungs...the numbers are off the I posted yesterday...we even canceled our anniversary dinner at Eddie V's last eve due to it...this pandemic, too...don't want to get into a cab or Lyft...don't want to walk in the smoky air...don't want to sit in the smoke at the restaurant, in the outside seating...just turn in on the AC and stay home...
Check those numbers out on the west coast cities, trying to survive the fires north of us...all the way up the coast line...there are hints of a rain storm a they are wishing and praying for it...any thing that will help the situation...Monday nite?...that app, you must have is 'AirVisual' it is at 6:30 am...SD 124, SB 112, Salem 397, Bend 444, Eugene 292...
OK, then...let's go into sports...
The LaLa Lakers made a mockery of the game with the Beard and his Rockets (Westbrook hurts this team)...whupped 'em in the finish off, it's your turn, Clip Joint...
Staying in LaLa...the Bums blew a game in the 9th to their nemesis, the Astros...and are now but a mere 3 games ahead of US...that is the Padres...we may play a double header today with the Giants...depends on more testing...stay tuned...we have the Bums coming our way this next week...too bad, we have an empty stadium for it...but, that's the way it is...
One more LA thang...I keep telling you this...but Tim McGraw's song, 'LA' is his best ever...find will see...
Let's do this....
Snooki's song of the day...'Full of Fire' by Al Green...and also, by Boz...which 'reflects the West Coast situation'....
Duke...North Carolina...are playing collegiate school, too?...and the state is voting...they have begun...
Register to vote, ya'll...