I'm starting with the wild fires...the depth of destruction unparalleled in the past century, perhaps the west...for the most part, going chilling headline as a 'massive lethal firestorm'...the most devastating ones, as there are many...are just north of San Francisco, termed the largest EVER in California...and burning the entire length of the Willamette Valley of the great state of Oregon...I am not privy of those further up the I-5 in Washington...
Does it bother me, that the current inhabitant of the White House...spends all his time campaigning, and nary a moment to get out and work the scene?...or, even say or do something that would help, in ANY WAY?...of, he just gets in his plane, and goes to where HIS votes may be...he must think that North Carolina is he has sent his total fam there to blab...Jr, Erik, and Ivanka...from the 'can't make this stuff up files'...Jr, when queried about the 17 yr old killing 2 people with the Donny as alluded to, in 'self defense'..."we all have done stupid things when we were 17"...hmmm, not killed people, Donny Jr...not killed people...
I'm borrowing this from the Huffington Post, as it shows the air breathability for the of the apps I have loaded into my iPhone is called 'AirVisual'...terrific one that shows what city has what...air...
The mighty Padres were set for game 2 vs the SF Giants...then, were informed that a player on the SF team tested positive for Covid...the game and today's too, have been postponed...wonder, or, am surprised that it doesn't happen more often...thinking out loud, but how do the NFL guys not have this dilemma?...shocked that they are playing...right?...
However, in the bubble...they play on...NBA...the final 2 in the east is set...Miami vs Boston...surprised?...the west has the Lakers waiting for either the Clips or the Nuggets...still say that they resemble summer league games, rather than REAL counters...
Snooki's song of the day...'In My Life' by the Beatles...referring to his days of life in the Santiam Canyon...mostly now, swimming, boating, camping, picnicking, or just drive by's to escape the valley...thinking of the excursion we had...renting a pontoon and cruising the Detroit Lake...Captain Al at the helm...and the kids swimming and having fun...watching Sammi swim, we ate our beaks and necks...a private joke...well, no more...
Marsh and I are going to celebrate the anniversary Eddie V's...for like 15 straight years, we would traverse to Maui for it...perhaps, next year...we shall that place...for youse who are counting, it is number...gulp...46!...she has put up with a lot....right?...or I have...ha ha...
One of my daily read the latest Tweets...the latest?...believe this or not...he talked about North Carolina...oh my...clue?...does he have one?...he must feel he has no chance of winning the west coast...ah, yes Orange, that is true...ZERO chance...
Get this...a Vegas...for next week's Open...PGA dudes...a bloke put down $45 thousand bucks on Lefty, ah, Phil Mickleson...the odds?...75 to 1...if he wins, the bloke wins...$3.3 million clams...could YOU bet $45 thou?...right, me neither...
Here is a pix of what was in the Santiam Canyon...